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Edition Request with its own Feature Requests

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Eric H. Jung:

--- Quote ---I took a look at the source code, and the hashing code is either in javascript, depending on spidermonkey (js32.dll), and I'm not sure that's easily portable. Or it uses mhash, whose source code I got from source forge (it's written in C)
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Yes, but you can use any library which has hashing algorithms because the algorithms are standard. For instance, BouncyCastle makes such a library for Java and .NET (C#). Some languages even come with hashing support natively or in a cryptography extension/add-on.

--- Quote ---but what about the incompability with HMAC-SHA256? Is it because of version 0.9.6???
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No, this is because of a bug in the PasswordMaker Firefox edition's implementation of the HMAC-SHA256 algorithm. It's easy to fix, but fixing it will change the password of everyone who uses HMAC-SHA256. So I need to provide backwards support for the "buggy" version in addition to the fixed version. This is what has been keeping me from doing it so far, although it shouldn't take more than a couple days. I wouldn't worry about supporting the buggy version of HMAC-SHA256 since it will eventually disappear anyway.


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