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Compiling PasswordMaker under OS X

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Miquel 'Fire' Burns:
If you know of a way to allow us to detect the OS being used, I'll think about it. I have to type 'make -f mingw32.mak' everytime I compile the binary for Windows, even if I'm just testing to make it compiles. But having just one makefile would be nice.


--- Quote from: miquelfire ---If you know of a way to allow us to detect the OS being used, I'll think about it. I have to type 'make -f mingw32.mak' everytime I compile the binary for Windows, even if I'm just testing to make it compiles. But having just one makefile would be nice.

--- End quote ---

autoconf/make would probably deal with that well, unfortuntely i don't really have any experience creating those setups, only editing them a little, and i've heard it's somewhat tricky. if you know anyone with experience creating them they could probably help ya out

only problem might be getting it to work under windows, without needing a cygwin type enviroment to be already in place

Miquel 'Fire' Burns:
It doesn't work under Windows without some sort of Unix like enviroment, so autoconf is out.


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