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Compiling PasswordMaker under OS X

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the salt man:

i recently compiled passwordmaker under os x tiger and i've got some instructions for people trying to do the same. i'm assuming a general familiarity with unix.

1. go to http://mhash.sourceforge.net/ and grab the mhash source code, install is standard ./configure, make, sudo make install

2. go to the directory where you extracted the passwordmaker source

3. open unix.mak and delete everything on the line after "LFLAGS = " then save it and exit your editor

4. at the command prompt in the directory the source is in type "make -f unix.mak" and hit enter

It should compile everything correctly and leave you with an executable called "passwordmaker"

I confirmed the output of the executable with that from the JS online version.

hope that helps anyone.

if anyone wants the executable drop a line in response

-The Salt Man

Eric H. Jung:
Hello Salt Man,

I most definitely would like the executable. Can you email it to me? [email protected].


Miquel 'Fire' Burns:
So the stuff in LFLAGS has some issues on OS X? I'll remove it now so that will be fixed in the next version. Also, I plan on having building docs as well.

the salt man:
eric: it's on the way, sent the email from duxlax at gmail dot com

miquelfire: yeah i'm fairly certain most of the options passed to ld by that make file are not supported by it, at least not on os x. i'd check the man pages for ld online to figure out whether the standard linux/bsd ld supports the options as well.

also, ideally, the make file should be renamed to just "makefile" so that the user can just enter "make" rather than having to point make to the makefile

sorry about the delay, kinda forgot i posted, i'll try to check more often.

-The Salt Man

Eric H. Jung:

--- Quote ---eric: it's on the way, sent the email from duxlax at gmail dot com
--- End quote ---
Thanks! I'll try it on my i386 OSX build, although I know it probably won't work unless it's a cross-platform binary. Is it?

--- Quote ---kinda forgot i posted, i'll try to check more often.
--- End quote ---
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