Author Topic: required characters for the output password  (Read 13225 times)


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required characters for the output password
« on: May 15, 2005, 03:08:25 PM »
This is indeed a greatttt plug-in !  thank u very much.

I have only one dream feature that I don't think have been requested yet:

1.  the ability to have the generated password include certain characters

Currently, our system login requires the password to contain a char in the set "!@#$%^&*()"

Thanks for listening and for providing such a great tool.

PS: I know, i know, i can always arbitrarily add such symbol.  But if it's provided as a check option, I don't have to:

1. remember which one i chose
2. the char can be at random spot
3. the fancy feature of right-click will work properly   :P


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required characters for the output password
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2005, 08:19:11 PM »
My understanding of how the password generation works, this type of feature might not be possible.

Offline Eric H. Jung

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required characters for the output password
« Reply #2 on: May 15, 2005, 11:06:46 PM »
Well, the opposite of this has been requested. That is, someone wanted the ability to specify which characters shouldn't be used.

I can add both requests -- yours and the "opposite." However, as AcidReflux hinted at, since the password generation is based on fixed algorithms, adding additional characters (or taking them away) would be applied on a site-by-site basis and stored in the preferences file.

That is, if you want passwords to always contain "!", then it will have to be specified for the configuration of Other sites could be configured differently (or the same, if you like).

The key is you'll have to set these custom preferences on all PCs you use, or use the export/import feature to effectively do the same thing...
« Last Edit: May 15, 2005, 11:21:34 PM by grimholtz »

Offline Eric H. Jung

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required characters for the output password
« Reply #3 on: May 15, 2005, 11:25:57 PM »


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required characters for the output password
« Reply #4 on: May 19, 2005, 12:19:23 AM »
I didn't read this until now  :P  Boy Grimholtz, what r trying to do, give a new meaning to "ask and thou shall receive" ???   :D

Now I really feel good b/c i 've been touting off about passwordmaker to all my co-workers in the last few days !

The key is you'll have to set these custom preferences on all PCs you use, or use the export/import feature to effectively do the same thing...

not a problem !

Thanks a ton

Cheers  :)


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required characters for the output password
« Reply #5 on: June 07, 2005, 11:33:21 PM »

Now with version 0.6 PasswordMaker covers 99% of the needs, however there are two more that I can think of (actually that I need).

1. Additional auto-populate fields.

Some sites, and in particular all online banking sites in Israel, require a third field for login. This field is fixed and the user is not required to change it although it can be changed.. By default it's the account number or ID number.

As I've suggested before, I think this can and should be handled in a generic way. For example for each site add two new settings: field name, and field value. When PasswordMaker auto-populates a login form, it should check a field by the given name exists, and if yes then populate it with the specified value.

2. Password constraints

This was partly discussed in another thread, however I would like to define the generic probelm.

Some sites require password to meet certain criteria, such as:
- Must contain both letters and digits.
- Must begin with a letter.
- Must use at least one lower case and one upper case letter.
- Must not contain any character more than once.
- Must not use a character in the same position it was in the previous password.
- Etc.

Once again the online banking sites stand out with their creative ways to confuse and frustrate users.

(why all those constraints are bad? As there are more constraints the password becomes less secure, because users can't remember it. So they write it down, and in many cases stick the note to the side of the monitor. Or they resort to passwords like A1B2C3 which usually gets through the safety checks, but isn't really secure.)

Anyway, hopefully PasswordMaker can handle such constraints. I know it isn't trivial because the passwords are actually hexadecimal reuslts of a computation.

But maybe there is a way. For example, to generate letters in a certain position, the 2 hex digits at that position can be used to lookup a character in a set of letters, or digits, or any other set of chars. Or maybe grep can be used to apply some of the constraints.

Regards and thanks for the great extension!


Offline Eric H. Jung

  • grimholtz
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required characters for the output password
« Reply #6 on: June 08, 2005, 02:43:56 AM »
Added to the feature request list...

Thanks for the suggestions!

PasswordMaker Forums

required characters for the output password
« Reply #6 on: June 08, 2005, 02:43:56 AM »