Thank you for taking the time to answer my post.
I did not see a way to specify the character set as a command line parameter.
My current program builds a command input for passwordmaker.exe based on the end user's inputs with the following syntax:
passwordmaker.exe -f passwordmaker.rdf -m%privatekey% -r%location% -u%accountname% -g 8 -a SHA256
I want to specify a character set of :ACDEFGHJKLPRSTXYZabcdefhkrstxz2345679!@#$%^&*
You will notice that I have eliminated 8,B,l,1,O,0,n,m,v,w,V,W, and some others.
Can I specify the character set as a command line argument, or do I need to figure out how to make a functional passwordmaker.rdf file?