Author Topic: Manually Add Domain Prefix?  (Read 13129 times)

Offline tanstaafl

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Manually Add Domain Prefix?
« on: July 13, 2005, 06:53:34 PM »

The new version (I last tried the beta6) is looking awesome, but I just ran into a problem that has required me to go back to 0.51...

I administer a number of domains, and have been using PasswordMaker to assign and manage user passwords (I require strong passwords, and do not let users change them). In order to create unique passwords for each user for the same domain, I had gotten into the habit of just prepending the username to the domain on the fly - such as: [email protected] - instead of just using the '' that is assumed initially.

Well, now, in the 0.6 beta, the calculated URL is no longer editable. The only way I saw to do what I need to do would be to create an account for each user - an obviously BAD thing. Maybe I'm missing something obvious?

I would really, really, like to have an an additional 'prefix' text box (could this be a general 'option' that someone could turn off if they didn't want to see it?) that I could enter the 'username@' into on the fly, that then gets prepended to the 'calculated URL' that is displayed, resulting in a unique password for each user.

Please, please!

Thanks - and otherwise, the new version is looking great!


Offline Eric H. Jung

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Manually Add Domain Prefix?
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2005, 09:31:14 PM »
Hi tanstaafl,

What if I just make the Using URL field editable again for non-default accounts? This means you could create just one account and use PasswordMaker the old way. Alternatively, you could create one account per domain (each with slightly different settings, like different hash algorithms). When you change the Using URL field, it would update the Using URL settings for the selected account (i.e., the edit box and the Using URL field on the Account Settings dialog would be synchronized).

I'd rather not make the Using URL field editable for the default account. This is because it might confuse users (especially newbies); they might think their changes in that field change the Default Account settings -- which it wouldn't (Default Account always generates the Using URL field dynamically).

Will that work for you?


Offline tanstaafl

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Manually Add Domain Prefix?
« Reply #2 on: July 14, 2005, 01:02:12 PM »
Hi Eric,

Yes, I think that would work fine, but of course, I won't be able to say for sure until I actually use it.

Upon reflection, I don't see any reason why it wouldn't be a perfect solution. The only difference is, I'd have to actually click on the Custom Account I'd created first, which I can easily live with. In fact, I agree, making the URL field editable for the default account could be a little confusing for someone new to PasswordMaker.

In fact, I can't think of any other reason someone would need to add multiple different prefixes, unless they were in fact managing passwords for others like I'm doing.

So, yes, I'm certain this solution would work just fine.



Offline tanstaafl

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Manually Add Domain Prefix?
« Reply #3 on: July 14, 2005, 01:56:44 PM »
Actually, Eric...

I've thought of a much better way to do this. I'm writing out how I envision this being implemented, but of course - you've done such a great job with the interface so afr, you'll probably think of a better way.  ;)

Anyway, I'll post a message shortly...



Offline tanstaafl

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Manually Add Domain Prefix?
« Reply #4 on: July 14, 2005, 02:15:06 PM »
Hi Eric,

Ok, here's how I see this working to make it more intuitive and smoother when used...

For non-default accounts, instead of making the 'Using URL' field editable, add an OPTIONAL "Show 'prepend' text box" checkbox that can be checked for that account on the 'Account Settings' tab.

When checked, an additional 'prepend' text box is displayed (that can be Tabbed into after entering the Master Password), and anything typed into it gets prepended to the 'Using URL' field.

Also, I think it makes sense to display the 'Using URL' field (in non-editable mode), so that the user can visually see what actual URL will be used as something is added to the 'Prepend' text box.

This would accomplish three things:

1. It would keep this additional field invisible for anyone not specifically wanting or needing it,

2. It would eliminate accidental modifications (typos) to the calculated URL that the user didn't intend to make, and

3. When the 'Auto-populate' option is enabled, the user can just type the Master Password, Tab into the Prepend field, add the username (or whatever), then hit Enter.

Ok, hopefully my explanation of how I envision this working was clear enough.

Also - I don't think I've mentioned this yet, but, if you get this working satisfactorily for me, I'll happily contribute enough to get you over the top as far as your donation goal is concerned.

Lastly: many, many thanks for PasswordMaker! This is easily the most important extension I use with FFox, and I couldn't live without it now.


Offline tanstaafl

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Manually Add Domain Prefix?
« Reply #5 on: July 14, 2005, 03:18:31 PM »
Ok, one more problem I just ran into... I had to uninstall 0.7 and reinstall 0.51 in order to log in to this forum because of it...

I have also gotten into the habit of adding *my* username for that URL to the domain URL, to add another layer of security (I generally don't like using pre-defined defaults). Usually it is one name, but occasionally that username is taken for that domain, and so I use an alternate but similar name

The problem, again, is I would have to add an account for each domain (and there are many) in order to use the above fix. This is not practical.

Don't misunderstand me - the above fix is still *highly* desirable - I certainly don't mind setting up an account for each domain where I manage multiple users.

But for general use, I need something else. The only practical way I can see that would fix this problem for me is:

1. Add the ability to set a 'URL-Prepend' text in the 'Default Options Settings'.

2. If something is entered here, display it (already populated with the default text) in an editable textbox on the Password pop-up screen. When tabbed into, the cursor should automatically go to the *end* of the text that is already in the box (could this be an option - go to beginning *or* end of pre-defined text?).

3. If nothing is entered here, then this field is not even displayed (this keeps it invisible for anyone not needing/using it).

This would work pretty much the same way the above solution works for Custom domains:

1. I enter my 'URL-Prepend' text into the 'Default Options Settings'.

2. I go to a URL login page, PasswordMaker pops-up, prompting me for my Master Password. I enter it, then either:

   a) hit Enter if I want to use the pre-defined 'URL-Prepend' text, or
   B) hit Tab, change the 'URL=Prepend' text to what it needs to be (preferably, just type the modifier characters to the pre-defined text), then hit Enter.

Hopefully this was not too confusing. If it was, just ask for clarification.

And again - I'm perfectly willing to pay for these modifications. PasswordMaker is too close to being *perfect* for me!  :)



Offline Eric H. Jung

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Manually Add Domain Prefix?
« Reply #6 on: July 14, 2005, 04:46:35 PM »
Hi tanstaafl,

Before adding another field which I'm not sure very many people would use, I'd like to make a comment about the original solution. You wrote:

The only difference is, I'd have to actually click on the Custom Account I'd created first, which I can easily live with
Not necessarily -- I can make the Accounts list "remember" what was last selected so it doesn't always highlight the Default Account as it does now.

If I did this, in addition to making the Using URL field editable for non-default accounts, wouldn't all of your problems be solved?


Offline tanstaafl

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Manually Add Domain Prefix?
« Reply #7 on: July 14, 2005, 07:47:53 PM »
Not necessarily -- I can make the Accounts list "remember" what was last selected so it doesn't always highlight the Default Account as it does now.

Hmmm... correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't PM currently supposed to detect the current URL as belonging to a Custom Account, and display that Accounts details if the PM icon is clicked? If so, it is not doing that now, so it must be a bug?

And if you make PM 'remember' the last Account, that would break this behavior?

Personally, I think that when PM is opened (the icon clicked on, or it is opened from the Tools menu), if the current URL matches one defined as a Custom Account, it should display that Account. Otherwise, it should display the last selected Account, instead of the Default Account.

Is that what you intended/meant?

In normal PM usage, there are two scenarios: a) using the auto-populate, and B) not...

As long as I had created a Custom Account for and domains I am managing, and was on the site in question when creating the user passwords, and PM correctly detects the current URL as matching the Custom Account and shows me the 'Using URL' field in editable mode, this would be an acceptable solution to my first problem, though not quite as nice as I'd like.

If I did this, in addition to making the Using URL field editable for non-default accounts, wouldn't all of your problems be solved?

I appreciate and agree with the philosophy of not wanting to complicate something unnecessarily, but no, this would not solve the second problem. That problem deals with using PM on websites that do *not* have a custom account set up, so I will only have the options available to the 'default' account - unless I'm missing something?

In clarification: I have dozens of accounts on different sites - bugzilla accounts, forum accounts, etc etc.  Obviously, I do *not* want to have to set up custom accounts for each one - but I *do* want to be able to append something to the 'Using URL' field for these - like my username: '[email protected]', as opposed to just '', for example. This way, I am not using only the domain name, which would make it that much harder for someone to crack my password.

Hopefully that was more clear - though I do realize I tend to be a bit long-winded sometimes.

Thanks for being so patient with me,


Offline tanstaafl

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Manually Add Domain Prefix?
« Reply #8 on: July 14, 2005, 07:50:17 PM »
And of course it goes without saying that I'm most happy to test any of these changes to see how they work in the real world (as opposed to just in my head)... :)

Offline Eric H. Jung

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Manually Add Domain Prefix?
« Reply #9 on: July 14, 2005, 08:51:44 PM »
OK, things are getting clearer.

correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't PM currently supposed to detect the current URL as belonging to a Custom Account, and display that Accounts details if the PM icon is clicked? If so, it is not doing that now, so it must be a bug?
No; when you open the PM dialog, it always highlights the Default Account. It's not a bug--it's the way I wrote it. It never even occured to me to highlight something else because what should happen when more than one account matches the current URL? I think displaying the "Choose Account" dialog used when populating password fields would be a nuisance.

And if you make PM 'remember' the last Account, that would break this behavior?
So given what I said above, there's nothing to break.

Personally, I think that when PM is opened (the icon clicked on, or it is opened from the Tools menu), if the current URL matches one defined as a Custom Account, it should display that Account. Otherwise, it should display the last selected Account, instead of the Default Account.
I understand, but the only way I can think to handle multiple accounts matching the current URL is to make the accounts tree select multiple items when the PM dialog is displayed. If multiple items are selected, Generated Password couldn't be calculated until some items were de-selected. Would this work for you? (Why do I suspect the answer will be no  :P)

but I *do* want to be able to append something to the 'Using URL' field for these - like my username: '[email protected]', as opposed to just ''
OK. This request I finally understand. Now I see you've actually been asking for two different things. I can two editable fields -- URL Prefix and URL Suffix to the left side of the dialog (applicable for both the Default Account and custom accounts). Would that work?

this would be an acceptable solution to my first problem, though not quite as nice as I'd like.
Please try -- one more time -- to explain how you'd like the first problem solved (succinctly and concisely if possible :))

Offline tanstaafl

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Manually Add Domain Prefix?
« Reply #10 on: July 15, 2005, 04:27:03 PM »
OK, things are getting clearer.

For me too. I think most of the confusion was my fault and due to my not understanding the correct usage of 'Folders' and Accounts'.

See the following thread for more on that...

For clarification on 'Default Account View' that also ended up in this thread somehow, see the following thread:

Lastly, because this Request has changed a bit, I've created a new thread for it too:

Many thanks to you Eric for being so polite, patient and accomodating.


Offline Eric H. Jung

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Manually Add Domain Prefix?
« Reply #11 on: July 15, 2005, 07:09:57 PM »
My pleasure.

PasswordMaker Forums

Manually Add Domain Prefix?
« Reply #11 on: July 15, 2005, 07:09:57 PM »