I would like editions as stand alone product for PocketPC and also for the Symbian operating systems, most common are Series 60 (third edition coming now) and Series 80 (the communicator). I don't mind if someone wants to do Palm as well, of course.
These editions should have following features:
- it keeps a list of frequently used URLs
- it keeps its master password in memory (and stored encrypted in a file) but to use the program, one must unlock it with movements of the cursor (stuff like: UP UP DOWN LEFT RIGHT UP UP ENTER), wich are set up like a local password. Entering this three times wrong will also open the program, but clear the master password. (All this is for easy of use, because the master password is usually hard to input on such a small device.)
- import of settings through rdf file
- import of settings from ftp-server
There's probably more that could be done, but this would be nice for a start.
Of course, I'm not expecting anyone to actually do this now, this will probably go directly to the bottom in any priority list. But if something like this would exist, especially for smart phones, in my opinion PasswordMaker would get many more users (and contributors).
BTW, so far I didn't yet get any browser on PocketPC WME2003 SE to work with the JavaScript version. Are there any known workarounds?
I really love PasswordMaker, it makes me feels good. Thank you everyone.