Chatalot, make sure you turn on "Prompt for Master Password Twice (instead of once)" then you won't make a typo.
I highly doubt you've found a new bug. There are tens of thousands of pleased PasswordMaker users.
Greetings from LeonSprings, Texas USofA,
OK, this is going to be a little long as I attempt to explain a similar problem experienced this morning with my Bank. As you know of me by now, it can become a bit confused.
I attempted to login to my banking account and it kept telling my my JavaScript was not working, that was because of NoScript was blocking them, the end of that problem. The next time I attempted to enter it told me I had an invalid user name or incorrect password. I called them and they changed my password, as they cannot extract my password, to a simple one so I could go in and change it to whatever. It worked and allowed me in, but; they have a time-out, not sure how long it is, and my session logged me out because of that time-out. So I logged back in with the password I had just set and went through the same problem of "invalid user name or incorrect password" and called them again to get it changed. I hung-up and logged out to try my new(old) password and could not get back in. They have a 'Forgotten your password' link setup so I used that and went in and changed my password and all went well, except it would not allow me in, what I mean is it told me my password was changed and confirmed the action but NO you may not enter!! I called them back and complained so they elevated this problem to their Technical Department, now waitting for them to call me. In the mean time I went into the Advanced Auto-Populate area, and thanks to your discussions with others I learnt how to determine how to use this by going to 'Tools', 'Page Info' and placing the cursor in the box to have the titles entered so I may provide the correct info for each. I did just that and even entered the correct password, but; when going in to that field, pswrd, with all of the astersks my password would show in the password field within the 'Advanced Auto-Populate' area and was not the same as the one PWM had generated. After several tries I finally managed to get what came back as the same as what was created by PWM. I eventually made it work correctly all seems to be working now.
Do you understand what I am attempting to explain? Through all of this I use the enter MasterPassword once, did not go in and change to entering it twice stayed with ONCE. It now works without any difficulties. Any questions, Just Ask and I will make all attempts to explain or TEST for you.
Greetings from LeonSprings, Texas, Edited by LkOnKbd 4/26/2006@1743Hours (5:43P)
After posting this I returned to my bank and attempted to re-inter of which I could NOT. At this time I still have not been able to return, time 5:40P on the same day as above. Do not know what has caused all of this.