The user would only see the check boxes, and the Custom/Extra (Actually, it's labeled that way because I couldn't choose which to use myself). Input would come from the RDF file, and output goes back to the RDF.
Plus if a site decides to change the rules for their character set, and you need to change yours, but PasswordMaker doesn't allow it...
The only thing I find wrong with PasswordMaker when it comes to make passwords is just on the UI side of things (BTW, I need to check to see if there's a request for combining the Master Password prompt and the Select Account prompt, I mean there's that list box there after all) and the fact we tend to fix issues by telling users to switch to advance view...
BTW, I'm trying to design the Desktop Edition to not need an advance view, or if there is one, enough is in basic view that won't require too many people to switch it to, only those that like using advance views would switch to it for normal use (like me!)