Either I'm missing something when you say 'Sync Settings' or you're using a version before 1.4
Currently, the ability to Upload/Download does not fulfill the requirements for the '
Sync Settings' Feature Request.
But I could have been a little clearer... what I mean is when it is all automated/automatable. For example, when I can set PWM to automatically upload my Settings to a Central Server after changes are made, and to automatically download my Settings FROM a Central Server if it contains any new changes.
But, mainly, the ability to Sync with the on-line version will do this, as long as it can be automated.
As has been discussed in the past, I really do see this as a great way for Eric to be able to generate some cash flow for his efforts - provide a paid option for users to auto-sync their settings with the online version. Then, all the User needs to do is set up each computer to do this, and it automagically keeps all of your computers in sync.
There is lots of room for error, so I know Eric will want to take his time and get this right.