Yes, i've no issue with IE so far... ohh..again..t.w!!
While I can understand the resistance to change, switching from IE to Firefox is one change I can heartily recommend - you won't look back. And it will import all of your favorites, cookies, history, everything, from IE.
No browser is perfect, so don't get me wrong - but it has been so much more stable for me, and with the exception of two sites that our company uses that require activex, I haven't run into a site that doesn't work right in Firefox in a long time. And believe it or not, it IS much more secure than IE. Combine this with the added functionality you can get with the long list of exceptional extensions available, and there simply is no reason to stay with IE, and EVERY reason to switch to Firefox.
Anyway, thats my .02 clad coins worth... to each his own...