Excuse me as I have been having some difficuties with this setup on my Wife's system and maybe should not do any testing for you. Just read over the entries made by me and have trouble understanding them as well.
I will attempt to explain; #1. When I setup NativeTexan in PasswordMaker Forums the entries in PWM was in the 'Defaults' zone. Check the first three (3) boxes, entered UserName, checked 'Auto-populate', made a selection for the length of password and strength of encryption. I did work just fine for that purpose in PWM Forums. When going to any other site all that would appear was the 'Defaults' settings no matter which site was accessed, except for 30Gigs.Com there it did populate with the correct UserName and password. #2. In an attempt to correct the problem of 'Auto-populate' in 'Defaults' after clearing all entries, including 'Length', my access to CastleCops is still using the password entry from 'Defaults' and the user name is entered as the 'Defaults' is now set to 'blank'. Even entering the correct username and 'Populate with PasswordMaker' is also still using the 'Defaults' settings. #3. None of the other sites I have registered on will give me access, only PasswordMakerForums and 30Gigs.Com will the username and password populate automatically and correctly. So far the others will only go as far as the 'DefaultsSettings'.
I hope this HELPS you,