Hi 'd',
MyAssistance doesn't use Java, but it does pop-up a new window. I'm not sure why Firefox wouldn't like that. Do you have a pop-up blocker extension or something?
No PopUpBlocker Extensions only what FF blocks and that has been implmeneted from the very first, about 3 years now.
What is strange to me on this is I have used 'MyAssistant' before without any difficulty. At that time I had Java v1.0.4_?? and java v1.0.5_05 installed, it would not work with just the Java v1.0.5_05 had to have both. Well this morning with the problems that have been there with the 'MA' {java script:buddy_pop();} [within the braces is from right click and copy link location, is shown in the 'StatusBar' when Hovering mouse over 'MA'] (using braces because of the semicolon at the end looked as though it was a smiley face winking) for a couple of days and there were 2 or 3 times I did not send the 'TalkBack' report, just ignored them because there had not been a problem before. They kept showing so I started sending them. This morning I decided to attempt downloading a fresh copy of Java and it would not load over what I had so I decided to uninstall all of Java and download the fresh copy. It gave me a -210 error without any Java installed. I went to a different webpage on SUN MicroSystems webpages and attempted again and it downloaded, with very few problems, except for a couple of minor ones, installed and Finished with successful install. Even did the Verify successful install from their website.
Attempted to use 'MA' again and had that last 'TB' report to send and it has not gone yet. I used the default settings for the first two (2) and they went AOK! this last one has had the Proxy Server set to ignore AutoSettings as well as default, NO success. I am using 'Tiny Personal FireWall v2.0.9' with 'TB' access set for Permit, the first two (2) went through this FW without problems so that is not my trouble. Maybe their server is too busy.
Very confusing,