LkonKbd wants to use PasswordMaker in his email client, I assume Thunderbird. You suggested he just use the widget but according to him, he doest have the ability to run kofab so thats no good to him.
If you only have a few pop account passwords, why not just manage them in the browser and have the client remember the password?
I apologize for the error in my thinking we had exchanged messages in this topic, it was PMs that took care of that.
Please do not 'assume' anythingy with me, I do not need your assistance in that area, spell that word again . . .'ass-u-me'. I do that by my self, don't want to drag anyone else through that.
Now not 'BoomerBird' my client is "PegasusMail". I will not go through the full explanation on my probs with my ISP, WebMail, and my client. To make a long story shorter, I changed my password in WebMail and installed it in my client, my client did not work nor WebMail. I had my ISP change my password for me, to what PWM had created then my client still did not work but my WebMial did. Discovered copy paste from PWM to my client would not work, finally got my client to work, typed in the password from the Kbd. This morn my WebMail access will not work but my client is working. Not sure if the copy to 'ClpBd' is the problem or just ME.
In PMs yesterday Eric told me I would just have to be patient. So I am, the first note, above, to Eric was I had a 'brain f__t' this morn and was confused by the fact there was not any info in the topic about what he had told me yesterday. Then I found it in my PM area.