There are people using PasswordMaker at 800x600 resolution, so as that dialog grows in size it will eventually be too large for them. I know because the Advanced Settings dialog used to be rather huge and lots of people complained.
That's a good point - I got a widescreen notebook when my last notebook died, and I've gotten rather used to it - I forget what it was like to be cramped...
With multi-line description, the dialog would look like this:
and if the dialog were made taller, Description expands vertically, so you'd see:
Scroll bars on the right if necessary, of course.
Doesn't seem bad to me - but of course I'm the one requesting it... :)
I like your idea of adding some grouping - a friend of mine is adamant about lining things up, so I did a bit to see what it'd look like:
I'm not terribly good at graphic layout; I'll bet somebody with some artistic sense could do wonders with it...
(I just stuck these images on my own web server - is there a better place to put 'em? I can leave them there forever; no problem, but probably better if you have the images yourself... it's your product and forum... and are they sized ok? I can make 'em smaller if that'd be better)
(would it be possible to have an "everything" tab - and possibly an option to display the normal tabs or the everything tab?)
I'm not very inclined to do this. Why?
Why, because that way I get my all-on-one page and everyone else gets tabs! (or in other words, I get things *my* way! :)
Actually, looking at the images, I don't think two tabs would be bad. If you can, I'd like to be able to pick name&description&generated password on the first, and password configuration on the second - I imagine you and others are planning the other way...
I'm thinking of PasswordMaker as a repository for all my secret information; more than just a password maker. (like this morning when I looked up airline frequent flier numbers - no password needed there; just the encrypted description field)
Could the tab order be configurable? (drag-n-drop reordering would be cool, but with two tabs I don't see it as necessary; just a "first tab is description / first tab is password configuration" selection.)
Once this syncs with PDAs, I can replace the tool I'm currently using - that's my real goal... :)
- Al -