Wow. Just zipping through the releases. 0.8.1-0.8.7 in a few weeks.
Yeah, one of the current trends in software engineering is "iterative development" promulgated by Agile development methods and XP (extreme programming). The idea is to release often and frequently, with each release having relatively few new features and bugfixes.
Contrast that philosophy with what's termed the traditional "waterfall approach" to software engineering. The waterfall approach is evident in products like Microsoft Office, Adobe Acrobat, Photoshop, etc., whereby they issue perhaps one giant release a year. That release has a ton of features. They might issue a fixpack or two in between releases, but they try their best to minimize those.
Microsoft recently embraced the iterative approach (in one product line, anyway) when they announced they'd issue a Windows XP update every month.
There are pros and cons to each philosophy; one isn't strictly better than the other, but I do like getting things in the hands of users sooner rather than later. It's their choice whether or not they want to upgrade.