I've just had a dig around the source, and it looks to me that the requirement for the file to end .rdf may be to do with some part of FF that PM uses to parse the file (could be wrong though, didn't dig that deeply).
Perhaps a suitable and easy solution would be just to check that the file extension is .rdf before validating whether the file can be imported.
I've done a quick example, which I haven't had a chance to test yet, but below is a diff to illustrate what I'm thinking of.
Eric or anyone else, what's your thoughts on this? If you think this is a suitable fix, I don't mind testing it out and verifying it works, and making whatever changes are required.
Right, the diff to illustrate is:
bash-2.05b$ diff -u passwdmakerOverlay.js-orig passwdmakerOverlay.js
--- passwdmakerOverlay.js-orig 2005-10-18 23:03:40.000000000 +0100
+++ passwdmakerOverlay.js 2005-10-18 23:15:13.000000000 +0100
@@ -308,6 +308,12 @@
f1.copyTo(f2, fp.file.leafName);
else {
+ if (file.path.substr(file.path.length -4) != '.rdf') {
+ passwordMakerHelper.prompts.alert(this, "PasswordMaker", "PasswordMaker settings file must have .rdf extension. Import cancelled.");
+ }
if (!validateImportFile(fp.file)) {
passwordMakerHelper.prompts.alert(this, "PasswordMaker", fp.file.path + " is not a valid PasswordMaker file. Import canceled.");
return false;