Hi Rick,
Have dialog open in basic settings. Remember the target audience can barely use a mouse, much less choose between hash algorithms.
PasswordMaker opens to whichever dialog you last used. When it's first installed, it opens to Basic Settings. I think it's important to "remember" which dialog was last used because some people prefer one dialog over the other. To assume everyone prefers Basic or Advanced (and thereby always open to the same one) is a step backwards, in my opinion. Remember, when first installed PasswordMaker opens to the Basic Settings dialog and if the Advanced Options button is never clicked, the user never sees that screen.
The select list for the master password storage contains three options, two of which have their text cut off.
True. I'm not sure what to do about this since I can't wrap text in a select box. I also can't extend the box's width anymore due to screen real-estate issues. I'll ask some other extension authors how they deal with this problem.
Each option should have a tooltip that reveals the full text. I filed a bug years ago where Mozilla wasn't displaying tooltips for options, but I vaguely remember it was fixed.
I'll check into this.
As per one of my previous suggestions, have a choice for Generated Password Length to be the size or maxlength attribute of the form (unless you're using basic authentication, of course).
Yes, I remember your request. Tyrantmizar, can you add it to the list? He's requesting that an option for passwords to be as long as a site permits. If you look at most password fields in HTML, they look something like this:
<input type="password" name="Passwd" autocomplete="off" class="gaia le val" id="Passwd" size="18">
(That's from gmail). He wants the generated password to be 18 characters in this case. BTW, this reminds me of another request someone made once upon a time which I don't think is in the list: option to remove
autocomplete="off" from password fields.