Hello -
I've created a Java version of PasswordMaker, suitably named PasswordMaker-JE. The project and downloads are located on Google code at
Current Version: 0.7.1 (October 20 2012)It looks much like the Firefox plugin (slightly older 0.5.1 screenshots):
A few key features:
- Import and export of RDF files. You can export your accounts from Firefox, use/modify them in the java version, save your changes, and then re-import them into Firefox. HOWEVER, it will not save domain and extra form settings (extra auto-fill information). If all you have are accounts and groups, then this should be safe to use. Please keep backups of your RDF file just in case. Note: PasswordMaker-JE does preserve the global settings of the Firefox plugin so you will not lose those.
- Sorting of accounts. You can select an account group and sort it's accounts.
I've created 6 installers on the downloads page for now:
- Windows w/32-bit Java (most common, even on 64-bit Windows installations)
- Windows w/64-bit Java
- OSX - 64-bit Intel
- OSX - 32-bit Intel
- Linux - 32-bit Intel
- Linux - 64-bit Intel
The reason for the multiple installers is because I'm using SWT as the underlying GUI toolkit, and SWT is platform-dependent.
If anyone wants other versions created (Linux, PowerPC OSX, etc...) please let me know. If it's more convenient for you to just have direct access to the jar files instead of an installer, let me know and I can start uploading those as well.
This version also comes with a command-line version, though it's functionality is limited. It is not as feature complete as the other CLI version on this site.
If you want to build from source, please see the wiki page on building:
basic information is located here:
http://code.google.com/p/passwordmaker-je/wiki/Usage. It's assumed if you know how to use the Firefox plugin, you'll be able to use/figure-out this version.
One more important note - If you are using old-buggy (MD5 Version 0.6, HMAC MD5 Version 0.6, HMAC SHA-256 v1.5.1) algorithms from the Firefox plugin, the Java version will silently drop them. It prints the fact that it found it on the console, but on most Windows/OSX installations you will not see the console. I'll fix this in a future version either by having disabled accounts or a messagebox of some kind.