Well, my life has been ruined, as now I've got to find something new to complain about, as PWM's Ctrl+Tilde key works quite well with Firefox 4.0.
I suppose I could say thanks, but then that would contradict my first statement in this posting.
Ah, ha, I have a way to get around this: I have been fighting with Nuance over PDF Converter since 28 December 2010, thirteen days after I purchased it, only to finally have them tell me, earlier today, that not only will it not work with Firefox 4, they have no plans to update it to make it work. This is weird, given this line in their install.rdf:
As I already have someone/something (namely a quite incompetent company, from which I also purchased extended download, but when I try to access the file to download it again, their system tells me that I have no orders,) to fight with, I shall say, "Thanks, all is well--or at least with PWM, at least for now." (How's that for a nice, ungrudging note of appreciation?)