Nothing changed after update to 1.7.6. Exactly the same problem. Last version which works for me is 1.7.4
OK, finally I found what was wrong. In passwdmaker.jar/locale/pl-PL/passwdmaker.dtd in 1.7.6 are lines example like this:
<!ENTITY opts.031.label "<nie zapisuj>">
<!ENTITY opts.043.label "<Wybierz>">
<!ENTITY accountsettings.026.label "<nie używaj>">
In 1.7.4 version:
<!ENTITY opts.031.label "<nie zapisuj>">
<!ENTITY opts.043.label "<Wybierz>">
<!ENTITY accountsettings.026.label "<nie używaj>">
After replace passwdmaker.dtd file from 1.7.6 to 1.7.4 version problem is solved.
I'm not an expert so i don't know why it was changed but You could look at this and fix it in new version. Thx