I'm using PM for a while now. I use it at work, on my PC, my friend's PC...
I'm using PM save/restore feature to synchronize PM settings through all these computers via a USB flash drive. I don't have a FTP server and I don't plan to have one because I hate FTP (2 tcp ports, plain text authentication...). I'm using SSH and SFTP... but PM can't save its settings to these (AFAIK).
So, I was thinking, how about using Mozilla Weave to save my PM settings ?
I didn't look hard at the Weave features. So I don't know if it's possible.
. It looks safe, data is encrypted before being sent (I don't know about the algorithm, though)
. I can even use my own minimal Weave Server if I don't trust Mozilla (I trust them)
So, what do you guys think ?