Firefox/SeaMonkey/Mozilla/Netscape/Flock Browser Extension > Feature Requests / Enhancements
Feature Requests List
What Is This?
This topic contains a list of all features requested since this forum began. If you'd like to add a feature to this list, please post a new topic in this forum (instead of replying to this topic). We'll discuss the request and, after we understand it, gladly add it to this list. Most anything within reason can be requested.
Each feature request has a vote tally next to it. This is a count of the number of people who have voted for that request. Everyone can vote for up to 5 requests at a time. When one of your requests has been implemented, you can re-assign that vote to another request. You may not vote more than once for a feature. Requests with the most votes are likely to be implemented first, although requests which are very easily to implement are often given higher priority than their vote count would suggest.
If you would like to know more about one of these features, click on it to go to the original topic that the feature was requested in. If it wasn't requested in these forums, it is noted. If you still don't understand a feature, feel free to ask about it in that topic (or in this topic if the request was by some other means).
You don't have to be registered to vote!
Guests are encouraged to vote; but please don't spam this topic up with votes. :)
The List
* 17 - Encrypt passwordmaker.rdf
Gerry Miller, jim28277, billybob, Luhmann, Lutz, Donald, Brad, LkonKbd, cautious, tdurden, Esa, Tealcomp, dbw784, eklee, lkd999, securesurfing, guido33
* 12 - Re-order accounts on tree with drag and drop
Romeo, ajw, miquelfire, Freddie, Tyrantmizar, major4579, Brad, RJohn, LkonKbd, mrickb, lkd999, katala
* 10 - Ability to create a new account for the current URL via context menu while in a password field (via email) (also here)
Wayne Arthurton, petervanderdoes, popmonkey, jonathankpa, major4579, jim28277, Jerry Cable, miquelfire, quixin, etechnophile
* 9 - Auto-Submit and When URL Equals options
Romeo, southpark, quixin, breyed, jonathankpa, Major4579, Donald, Brad, lkd999
* 7 - Sync Settings
ajw, Greg, jonathankpa, Luhmann, Time To Paws, matneh, Lebewesen
* 7 - Import Settings into PasswordMaker Online
popmonkey, Bob Wartell, morguns, jim28277, Luhmann, quixin, matneh
* 7 - Ability to sort accounts tree by column
Brad, Norman Bores (via email), LkonKbd, mrickb, Nightwolf, Twister, katala
* 6 - Stand-alone java application
matneh, southpark, quixin, Mich, morguns, RJohn
* 5 - Modifiable Username Prompt et al
tanstaafl, howardb31, matneh, meganox, Lebewesen
* 5 - New Character Set selection interface
Tyrantmizar, morguns, rex, tanstaafl, forbin
* 4 - Multiple Usernames per account, by pattern
Kevin, waily, etechnophile, Lebewesen
* 4 - Simplified 'Basic' and 'Advanced' GUI changes
Eric H. Jung, tanstaafl, etechnophile, asumadre
* 4 - Merge/append imports
quixin, Romeo, jonathankpa, docdee
* 4 - Set time to clear Master Password box (via old list)
miquelfire, popmonkey, Felipe, peter
* 3 - Password Template Filter
forbin, Keith383, Kenton
* 3 - Mac OS/X dashboard widget (via old list)
Govardhanen, miquelfire, Luhmann
* 3 - Search
morguns, docdee, katala
* 2 - Allow editing of Custom Fields
adamspiers, ignatius.reilly
* 2 - Quicklock
Thibros (via email), lkd999
* 2 - Thunderbird Extension for Account Password Entry
dbw784, tanstaafl
* 2 - Specify drive/path/filename of RDF file
randomthot, LkonKbd
* 2 - Auto-copy Generated Password to clipboard
Lee Copp (via email), forbin
* 2 - Master Password entered in Password field on web page automatically converts to generated password
Dave, southpark
* 2 - Break the port, path, anchor, and query parameters options up (via old list)
Daniel Tryba, miquelfire
* 2 - Mobile phone version (via old list)
C.J., Greg
* 1 - Save Master Password Hash at Group Level
* 1 - Incorrect order of accounts in Coolkey->Account Selection window
* 1 - New 'Default' & 'Advanced' Security Modes
* 1 - Make 'Save Password to Memory' persistent across multiple windows in same session
* 1 - Export Settings to HTML formatted file
* 1 - Minimo Mobile Browser Support
* 1 - Change Master Password Helper
* 1 - Optional (through Global Settings) Password Strength meter on Master Password Prompt dialog
* 1 - Specify keyfiles for RDF file encryption
* 1 - Import existing Firefox Passwords from Firefox Password Manager
* 1 - Disable Auto-Populate for Current Session Only
Kim Marshall (via email)
* 1 - Add support for IP addresses in Default Settings (via old list)
* 1 - PasswordMaker markup language
* 1 - Option to turn off auto-populate for the current browser. (via old list)
* 1 - Choose which settings are saved as a cookie in the online version. (via old list)
Tiago de Noronha
* 1 - Set a prompt to change passwords
* 1 - Choose what group to export
* 1 - Accounts tree should remember which groups are open/closed across invocations.
* 1 - PasswordMaker: Bling Edition!!! :P (i.e. themes for PM)
* 1 - Kitchen Sink :lol:
* 1 - On-screen keyboard for master password entry
* 1 - Ability to email passwordmaker.rdf, not just FTP
* 1 - Add accessibility shortcuts (the numbers 1-x) for the Choose Account dialog
* 1 - Option to hide the accounts tree
Gerry Miller (via email)
* 1 - Mobile phone (J2ME specifically) enabled version
Christi Scarborough
* 1 - Mask Username When Populating Username/Password fields
nervous bankuser
* 1 - Generate random username automatically from entered username
nervous bankuser
* 1 - Include Advanced Auto-populate fields when printing
* 0 - New Coolkey Option - populate only defined fields
* 0 - Separate 'URL Components' for 'When URL Contains' and 'Use This URL' fields
* 0 - Move 'Username' / 'Current Account Password' fields to first Tab, rename 'Name' field to 'Account Name'
* 0 - Add New 'Current Account Password' field next to Username
* 0 - Auto-Populate tab with blacklists, whitelists, overrides, etc.
* 0 - Public key of secure sites cached and verified upon re-visits
* 0 - Custom Groups
* 0 - Allow option to disable Firefox's password manager.
* 0 - Automatically limit the password length to the limit of the site.
* 0 - Blacklists
* 0 - More support for tabs in Mozilla
* 0 - Ability to generate random Unicode character set.
* 0 - Close button for MPW popup in Mac OS X
* 0 - Copy settings to clipboard
* 0 - Sidebar support
* 0 - Set the default password length to 16 characters.
* 0 - Character-forcing post filter (takes far too long to explain to put into a little blurb)
The Supremely Difficult Features - the following are requests that are currently unable to be voted for due to their extreme technical difficulty. Read that as: these are so difficult to implement that we have given up almost all hope:
* / - Populate HTTP Basic Authentication
* / - Visual Feedback Indicator for Drag-n-Drop Accounts
Duplicate Feature Requests - the following Feature Requests were combined with other Requests as indicated:
* - - Master Password Verification
(combined with Option to store MPW's hash to disk/memory)
* - - Hide the username unless MPW entered correctly
(combined with New 'MPW Hash Mis-Match' dialog)
The Completed Features - the following are requests that used to be in The List, but have been completed:
* / - Option to store MPW's hash to disk/memory (1.7 - Thanks to John Liebson!)
* / - Simplified Master Password Hash GUI (1.7)
* / - New 'MPW Hash Mis-Match' dialog (1.7)
* / - Version for the Opera Web Browser (?)
* / - Multiple "When URL Contains" entries to accounts. (1.6)
* / - Default Options to "Default Account" (0.7.2)
* / - Import/Export needs to be easier to find: Place the File menu on the Basic Options Dialog and Advanced Options Dialog (0.7.3 beta 2)
* / - Default the accounts tree to all groups closed.(0.7.3 beta 2)
* / - Allow Installation to profile (Moz Suite) (0.7.3)
* / - About dialog should be dismissable with the ESC key like all the other dialogs. (0.7.3)
* / - Change the Auto-Populate Priority (account-specific settings more important than default/global) (0.8)
* / - New accounts inherit default settings (0.8)
* / - Automatically view the settings when making an account (0.8)
* / - Option to enable/disable master password confirmation (0.8.4)
* / - A widget for Konfabulator (Sept 15th; here)
* / - Ability to populate the Characters list with a random set of characters (0.8.6)
* / - Add minimize button to basic and advanced options window (0.9)
* / - l33t level/character set conflict warning (0.9)
* / - Toolbar Icon for Alt` (0.9)
* / - Make upcoming status bar indicator change colors depending on whether using Defaults or not (0.9.1)
* / - PM Ring change colors when at a site listed as an Account (via email)
* / - Change description field in Account Settings to multi-line notes/description box (0.9.1)
* / - Option to clone/copy accounts (1.2)
* / - Go to URL from account (1.2)
* / - Internet Explorer plug-in (kinda)
* / - Tabbed Account Settings Window
* / - Close PasswordMAKER when closing Firefox (1.3.3)
* / - Option to save setting to an FTP site (1.4)
* / - Print a report with some/all groups/accounts (1.4)
* / - Master Password confirmation box (1.4.1)
* / - Set a hotkey to remove master password from memory (1.4.4)
* / - Include "Erase MasterPassword" or "Erase masterpassword from memory" in context menu. (1.4.4)
* / - Command line client
* / - Global setting for enhanced context-menu population (?)
* / - Use URL Components as defined in Defaults when auto-populating 'When URL Contains' and 'Use This URL' fields for new Accounts (1.5.1)
* / - Display Account Name (or Domain) in the Master Password Prompt (?)
* / - Edit the list of predefined character sets - replaced by the New Character Set selection interface, Tyrantmizar and morguns votes migrated
Eric H. Jung:
IE version missing...
I'll have to vote for mine, of course :D
Ability to populate the Characters list with a random set of characters
Option to clone/copy accounts (slightly different)
My votes:
* New accounts inheirit default settings
* Merge imports/append imports (w/ FTP support)
* Multiple "When URL Contains" entries to accounts.
Quixin - your votes have been added
Brathna - you can vote for another if you want, and your 2 votes have been added.
IE version has been added.
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