Well, I've now tried to log in three or four times with -password- showing, as well as with manually entering my password, and all I get is a javascript indication in the task bar, even after restarting FF.
It works in IE7: I just tried it, entering username and password manually, but in FF, even though I was able to access the system earlier, nothing whatsoever happens when I click on "Sign In."
A bit later: It is even stranger than I originally posted: If I have an entry for the site in PWM, I
cannot sign in! Remove the PWM listing, restart FF, go to the site, enter the data manually, that works.
I've tried removing the site from PWM and recreating it twice, to no avail; with a site set up in PWM, I can not sign in.
This has been a week for truly strange happenings:
1. I was seeing a security certificate error in IE7 for a web site I am developing. No one on the PayPal developer forum had an idea. I filed a ticket with PayPal, and they did not see the error. I started doing some testing, and, in FF, if I tried to retrieve the PayPal .gif by itself, rather than in the page that called for it, I then got an error message. Changed the src from paypal.com to
www.paypal.com, error no longer appears in IE7.
Wrote back to PayPal, they said that, yes, it had to be
www.paypal. Why did they not see the error, and why did they not notice, in the code I had submitted, that I was using paypal.com?
2. SnagIt Editor refuses to send screen shots directly to Thunderbird, even though it used to do so. Techsmith, the software company, does not know why. They asked me to download and run a program and submit the resulting file, stating that if the file were too big to send
via e-mail, they would provide an alternate submission method. They did do that, sort of, failing to provide me with the link to their video that shows how to upload to their server using the upload link they provided.
3. See above for #3....