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Pls help me retrieve my friends email account and his password...Last saturday it started being LOCKED...he do not know what to do and that files there are very important...He will commit suicide when he can't get it back...I hope people here can help me...

let me know pls...pls pls...I am begging u

If this is not a joke....

Did your friend use Passwordmaker (PWM) to set his password? If so, he will need to use PWM with the same settings/ account info in order to generate the correct password.

If not, I'm not sure what we can do to help...

One thing... you should always use an email address that you will always have access to as the 'secondary email address' that virtually all sites use in order to reset a password... has he tried to do that?

Otherwise, we will need more information before we can try to help...

Eric H. Jung:
i'm going to go out on a limb and guess that this was a joke.

Yeah... but I've been trying really hard lately to err on the side of politeness and civility in my online dealings. I'm on a number of email discussion lists that tend to get a bit heated - political and health oriented - and when it comes to dealing with opinionated blowhards and idiots, I've always had a tendency to being - well - less than polite/civil... ;)

Eric H. Jung:
Good for you, tanstaafl. That is a difficult thing to do. I hope I've been civil here.



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