Dear All,
As a long time fan the Firefox plugin, who is now fed up of Firefox, I thought I'd write some thing for Safari. Windows users, you're out of luck I'm afraid, as probably are pre-Snow Leopard users (but maybe not?).
Basically, I checked out the python version, and hacked it together with some use of the appscript extension and a little extra AppleScript. You can now trigger PWM through the Services menu (Safari->Services->PasswordMaker) or if you go to System Prefs -> Keyboard->Shortcuts->Services, you can probably bind it to a keyboard shortcut.
1) Install appscript by opening a terminal and running:
sudo easy_install appscript
2) Install the automator bundle to ~/Library/Services/
3) Go to Safari ***PUT THE CURSOR IN THE PASSWORD FIELD*** and then run the service. It should pop a dialog, then press generate.
Right, I'm well aware it's very rough around the edges. Anyone want to make it pretty? I may or may not get around to it. Since I based it on the Python version of PWM, it's released on the LGPLicense, so go nuts.
PS: if you edit the bundle in Automator and save it, it will overwrite the python scripts! You need to copy them else where for editing.