Author Topic: "Choose Account" Keeps Appearing  (Read 14695 times)

Offline John Liebson

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"Choose Account" Keeps Appearing
« on: February 05, 2009, 05:37:24 PM »
I created a second PayPal account so that I can create a shopping cart for a web site I'm developing for someone else. Both my personal account and the new one work.

When I go to, the PasswordMaker "Choose Account" box appears, as expected, and when I choose the desired account, I'm logged in to that account. However, the "Choose Account" box then pops up again and again.

My search of the forum for "Choose Account" did not show me anything about this problem, nor did I find anything in the help files, so, throwing myself on the mercy of the court and/or forum users, what do I need to change in my PWM settings to stop the repeated appearance of the "Choose Account" pop-up?

Offline tanstaafl

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Re: "Choose Account" Keeps Appearing
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2009, 05:45:46 PM »
I ran into this a long time ago and stumbled across the cause/fix...

At least, this is what was causing it for me...

Each of the accounts that are showing up in the *unexpected* choose account pop-up will probably have an erroneous custom field defined in the 'Advanced Auto-populate' tab, with the option 'Notify me when this field isn't found' option enabled. Just delete the field for each of them and it should fix it...

I think this happened to me by copying an account with a custom field added...

Offline John Liebson

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Re: "Choose Account" Keeps Appearing
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2009, 06:01:12 PM »
Thanks, and would that it were that easy, but both accounts have but one Advanced Auto-populate entry, namely the e-mail log-on address, and in neither account is that entry marked as "Notify me when...".

(I'm tempted to ask what took you so long to reply, but the last time I posted a similarly-silly comment, that created a bit of a fuss from someone who had not yet had his morning coffee, so I won't ask what took you so long to reply.)

Offline tanstaafl

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Re: "Choose Account" Keeps Appearing
« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2009, 08:19:59 PM »

Out of curiousity, why do you have the logon email address in the advanced auto-pop field? PWM recognizes the field fine without having to specify one...

Also... if I recall correctly, the 'Notify me...' part sometimes toggled itself...

Again, I'd try deleting these entries and see if it fixes it...

Offline John Liebson

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Re: "Choose Account" Keeps Appearing
« Reply #4 on: February 05, 2009, 08:55:32 PM »
Nearly all, if not all, of my PWM accounts have the e-mail adddress in the Advanced pop-up, as otherwise the address is nearly never recognized by the site; at least that has always been my experience.

I've even added the e-mail address during registration, only to find that that is not recognized when logging on, and I've had to then add a new entry in the auto-populate to enable logging on. I may have been doing things incorrectly, but that is the way I've had to do it, because so many of my PWM sites have specific names for the e-mail log-on space, and that name is rarely, if ever, something as simple as "e-mail address." For PayPal, the Field Name is login-email, for example.

In the case of the new PayPal, even if PWM were to automatically recognize the e-mail address, it would be wrong, as the account is not mine, it is that of the person for whom I'm creating the web site.

To add to the "fun", as I try to edit the PayPal payments system (which I'm just learning,) PWM pops up constantly, every time I go the shopping cart, sigh.

Offline tanstaafl

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Re: "Choose Account" Keeps Appearing
« Reply #5 on: February 05, 2009, 09:19:41 PM »
I have over a hundred accounts, and I don't think ANY of them require a custom field added to the Advanced Auto-pop list to get the LOGIN username populated.

So, yes, I think you are doing something wrong.

Normally you should just add the Login email to the 'Username' field on the Extended Tab.

As for having two different accounts for Paypal... just create two diffrent accounts, name them appropriately, and put the appropriate LOGIN email in the Username field.

Offline John Liebson

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Re: "Choose Account" Keeps Appearing
« Reply #6 on: February 05, 2009, 09:23:50 PM »
It is your fault!

Following your advice, I removed the e-mail log-in from both PayPal accounts, and added them to the PWM Username field.

At that point, I was able to log on to the new account, but not to my own account.

Took me a moment or two to figure out why: When I added my own e-mail address to the Username field in PWM, that changed my password.

How to fix that: Return to PayPal, and, in the proper field, tell PWM to populate that field; then, in PWM, remove my username, which reset my password to its original, then add that password to the PWM Password Prefix box, thereby overriding PWM's attempt to reset my password when I reinstalled my e-mail in the Username box and removed the auto-populate entry.

See, I told you it was your fault....

(We will just ignore the fact that quite a few of my older PWM entries were done improperly, by my not having entered my e-mail address in the Username box; this was true for Paypal, so when I looked at that PWM entry and created the new one earlier today, I did it the same way as I had quite some time ago for my own PayPal account. Of course, you also realize that, had you told me about doing this correctly quite some time ago, the problem with PayPal would not have arisen today, don't you?...)

All of my somewhat-incorrect PWM accounts work fine even when I failed to enter my username; PayPal is the first account for which I've needed to create two separate accounts, so the "Choose Account" problem never arose before today.

Therefore, even though we must acknowledge that whatever it is that is your fault is your fault, nonetheless, you have redeemed yourself by pointing out that I was at fault by putting the e-mail address in the wrong place.

Problem appears to be solved. I have, as is my usual procedure, made myself a note to send you a thank-you. If you don't receive that, well, it will be your fault for not reminding me to send it.

Commodum ex iniuria sua nemo habere debet - No person ought to have advantage from his own wrong

[Addendum: As I was previewing this, there was a notification that a new reply had been posted. As what I wrote above, yes, I was doing things incorrectly for many of my accounts. As for PayPal, I already have two separate accounts, and by following your advice, as I stated above, the problem has been solved. So, again, my thanks for the advice and assistance.]

Offline tanstaafl

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Re: "Choose Account" Keeps Appearing
« Reply #7 on: February 05, 2009, 09:29:42 PM »

Thanks John, I needed that, its been a long day... :)

Glad you got it sorted...

Offline John Liebson

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Re: "Choose Account" Keeps Appearing
« Reply #8 on: February 05, 2009, 09:48:49 PM »
Drat, it is not fixed: I just logged on to the new PayPal account, to continue my exploration of how to create payment buttons, etc.
While on that PayPal account, PWM pops up the "Choose Account" button just about every time I change from one PayPal page to another, even though I'm logged on.

Offline tanstaafl

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Re: "Choose Account" Keeps Appearing
« Reply #9 on: February 05, 2009, 09:55:16 PM »
That is the precise symptom I had when I had a custom field added to the Advanced Auto-pop tab.

Look closely at WHICH account(s) is(are) listed in the choose account box, and go edit each one and delete any custom fields you've added to the Adv Auto-pop tab...

Offline tanstaafl

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Re: "Choose Account" Keeps Appearing
« Reply #10 on: February 05, 2009, 09:55:56 PM »
By the way... this drove me batty for months... I was almost to the point I was going to email Eric my RDF file and beg for help, when I stumbled on the solution...

Offline John Liebson

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Re: "Choose Account" Keeps Appearing
« Reply #11 on: February 05, 2009, 10:10:07 PM »
That is the precise symptom I had when I had a custom field added to the Advanced Auto-pop tab.

Look closely at WHICH account(s) is(are) listed in the choose account box, and go edit each one and delete any custom fields you've added to the Adv Auto-pop tab...
Neither PayPal account has any entries in the Advanced Auto-populate tab; the only entries were my two e-mail addresses, each of which has been removed.

This is as frustrating as PayPal itself, although much of that frustration is attributable to my never having used its Merchant Services before; thus, although a button I created is automatically saved there, I've yet to figure out how to get back to it. I may have just figured out one problem, and that is the use of fractions for the photograph sizes; I was just about to experiment with that coding when I got your latest comments.

Offline tanstaafl

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Re: "Choose Account" Keeps Appearing
« Reply #12 on: February 06, 2009, 02:33:33 AM »
Weird, then...

And it is definitely those two Paypal accounts showing up in the choose account pop-up? No chance you accidentally copied/duplicated them, and there are more than two with the same name?

Incidentally, that is a problem imho - no two accounts should be able to have the exact same name, but right now they can...

Offline John Liebson

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Re: "Choose Account" Keeps Appearing
« Reply #13 on: February 06, 2009, 01:57:13 PM »
Weird, then...

And it is definitely those two Paypal accounts showing up in the choose account pop-up? No chance you accidentally copied/duplicated them, and there are more than two with the same name?

Incidentally, that is a problem imho - no two accounts should be able to have the exact same name, but right now they can...
The accounts have different names: PayPal:John and PayPal:Patrick, and they go to different e-mail addresses with different passwords.

If you think my PWM problem is weird, consider this:

1. After a difficult day, involving PWM and PayPal "Add to Cart" button problems, while I was fixing dinner (dinner having been broken...), I suddenly realized what was happening. I had created my first-ever PayPal button while logged on to the :Patrick account, and copied the code from PayPal into the web page I'm using to set up his ordering system. I noted a simple error in one of the button's drop-down menu text entries; when I edited that and tried to use the edit code, PayPal claimed I was using foreign currencies. That error message was truly misleading; however, while fixing dinner, I finally understood that the button code I was using was tied directly to the code that I had generated at PayPal. Thus, when I edited the code on my computer and tried to use it, the code at PayPal could not recognize it and spawned the foreign-currency error message.

That realization finally led me to understand the PayPal .pdf file that speaks to writing your own PayPal button code. I've not done that, but I suspect that if I can get it to work, I will then be able to edit it and still have it work, as the code will not be tied to any button code in the account at PayPal.

2. Then, when I woke up this morning, it occurred to me to look at the url that PayPal uses for logging on. I copied that entire code into my two PayPal accounts in PWM; that code is different from the url codes once you have logged on. I had been using a simple* entry; I have a feeling that, for reasons unclear to me, that code kept triggering PWM to ask me which account I wanted to use. I've only logged on and tried a few pages for each PayPal account; so far, problem has not arisen.

I submit that my having had two thoughts separated by only some twelve hours is truly weird, or perhaps "scary" would be more appropriate.

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Re: "Choose Account" Keeps Appearing
« Reply #13 on: February 06, 2009, 01:57:13 PM »