The latest Minefield nightly builds (firefox 3.1a2pre) have included the so called "tracemonkey" feature that enable javascript speedups. When enabling this for content (javascript.options.jit.content set to true in about:config), everything keeps working, but when you enable it for chrome ( set to true), passwordmaker doesn't work anymore.
Here's what happens: when I enter my master password, for which I saved a hash, passwordmaker reports that my master password doesn't match (and I'm absolutely sure it's the right password!). When I look at the produced password for this master password, it's a different one than it should be. Disabling tracemonkey for chrome makes everybody happy again
As tracemonkey is still quite beta (and has to be enabled by the user), this is not a big deal at the moment, but I report it anyway as it will probably be enabled by default in Fx 3.1, so a lot of users might have the "WTF, my password isn't working anymore!!!!"-experience (as I did a couple of minutes ago).