Other Editions > Other Editions - Bugs

Desktop version bug (Affects PHP and Python Editions as well ~MiquelFire)

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2 different passwords generated between versions

Generated password in firefox (md5; 30 length, all characters)
master password: hello1234567890
using text: test


Generated password in the on-line version:


Generated password in the desktop edition:


Miquel 'Fire' Burns:
Considering the password is correct up to a point, that might mean the support for longer passwords than what the hasher allows is broken in the desktop edition. Using the precompiled version, right?

Eric H. Jung:
This is pretty serious. Do you have any time to work on this, Miquel? And is it me or does the Firefox edition display a completely different password?

I get the same password as the first two in mine... maybe you typo'd something?

Miquel 'Fire' Burns:
Firefox edition is the same for me (had to create a new account, but it worked).

Found the bug. I need to check other editions to make sure they don't have this bug. Wrong part of the data had the counter applied it to. I'll do all the steps for a new version tomorrow, I don't trust myself getting everything right this late at night.


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