A very quick reply, for which I hope I may not be lambasted as badly I was after my last post. That last missive from me was nothing more than a FYI, and I was rather offended by what I was told in reply. (There, that is out of my system, and I do NOT expect anything more to be said about this.)
1. Extension installed over previous version, in Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.9b3pre) Gecko/2007123005 Minefield/3.0b3pre - Build ID: 2007123005, with no problems.
2. The one serious problem with the previous version (which what I had reported) has been fixed: Now, when I open PWM and look at my various entries, I see them. Previously, there was nothing shown other than blank spaces.
3. I've not tested anything else--but as everything else was working previously, as far as I know--and as I was able to log on here with the new beta release--I've not taken the time as of yet to test anything else.
In conclusion, my thanks for your efforts; they are certainly appreciated. For example, a few days ago, I needed to set up a new on-line account, so I had to launch FF 2.0.11 to do that with PWM. I then copied the .rdf file into my Minefield profile, where my new log-on, the one created with FF 2.0.11 worked. Then, to my dismay, I found that another part of the same merchant's system used a different form for another part of their system, so back to 2.x, etc. None of that ought now be necessary.