I'm stumped on this one. I have an account at
www.bogusdomain.com. When I go there, PWM tells me I have 2 accounts matching this URL and to select one. Either selection yields the same password. The problem is I DO NOT have this account, this domain, entered into PWM. I've looked at every URL in every account in every group in PWM. It's not there!
At one time the URL probably did...most certainly did have a PWM entry but it has long since been deleted. Where is this PWM entry coming from and how do I get rid of it?
The problem is two-fold. First I need to change the password for this account and I can't do it using PWM with these other two entries: I just get the same password unless I change my username and I don't want to do that. Second, If I use a prefex or suffix to force a password change, I'm still forced to choose between multiple PWM entries (which don't really exist) rather than having PWM auto-populate the fields.
What to do?