what *other* potential changes could you make down the road that I won't see because I had an RDF file from a previous version laying around.
Now I understand. The answer is none. Whenever a change is made which requires some RDF setting to be present (or not present), I make sure older RDF files won't be "left behind". This is done by checking the RDF when PasswordMaker starts up and, if certain entries are missing and/or old, they are "upgraded" (converted) to work with the new features.
I didn't do this with Default Options->Defaults because I was lazy. I haven't been lazy with anything else (yet). I will add the code to automatically make the change when I have a moment.
p.s. - Are you still trying to digest my suggestions regarding a 'manual mode' of PM?
If you're referring to this:
1) Default button behavior = auto-populate fields (keyboard equiv = ctrl~)
Alternate functionality from menu pop-up:
2) Choice1 = Enable 'Auto-populate' mode
3) Choice2 = Add Account for this URL
3) Choice3 = Open PM Account Settings Window
There should also be keyboard shortcut equivalents assignable for each of these behaviors.
this thread then, no, I've digested it. It's a good idea and will definitely be in a future (soon) release.