Author Topic: 'Folders' and 'Accounts' - correct usage  (Read 21026 times)


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'Folders' and 'Accounts' - correct usage
« Reply #15 on: July 25, 2005, 01:32:48 AM »
The reason this concerns me is, what other changes that you make will not be reflected because I had a previous install?

I'm not sure what you mean by this. Can you elaborate?


You said that I didn't see the change 'Defaults Options' > 'Defaults' because the RDF file stuck around.

So, I asked, what *other* potential changes could you make down the road that I won't see because I had an RDF file from a previous version laying around.

No major worries, though, I can always just export my prefs and import into a clean profile.



p.s. - Are you still trying to digest my suggestions regarding a 'manual mode' of PM?

Offline Eric H. Jung

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'Folders' and 'Accounts' - correct usage
« Reply #16 on: July 25, 2005, 03:39:19 AM »
what *other* potential changes could you make down the road that I won't see because I had an RDF file from a previous version laying around.
Now I understand. The answer is none. Whenever a change is made which requires some RDF setting to be present (or not present), I make sure older RDF files won't be "left behind". This is done by checking the RDF when PasswordMaker starts up and, if certain entries are missing and/or old, they are "upgraded" (converted) to work with the new features.

I didn't do this with Default Options->Defaults because I was lazy. I haven't been lazy with anything else (yet). I will add the code to automatically make the change when I have a moment.

p.s. - Are you still trying to digest my suggestions regarding a 'manual mode' of PM?

If you're referring to this:

1) Default button behavior = auto-populate fields (keyboard equiv = ctrl~)
Alternate functionality from menu pop-up:
2) Choice1 = Enable 'Auto-populate' mode
3) Choice2 = Add Account for this URL
3) Choice3 = Open PM Account Settings Window

There should also be keyboard shortcut equivalents assignable for each of these behaviors.
from this thread then, no, I've digested it. It's a good idea and will definitely be in a future (soon) release.


Offline tanstaafl

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'Folders' and 'Accounts' - correct usage
« Reply #17 on: July 26, 2005, 03:25:12 PM »
Whenever a change is made which requires some RDF setting to be present (or not present), I make sure older RDF files won't be "left behind". This is done by checking the RDF when PasswordMaker starts up and, if certain entries are missing and/or old, they are "upgraded" (converted) to work with the new features.

I didn't do this with Default Options->Defaults because I was lazy. I haven't been lazy with anything else (yet). I will add the code to automatically make the change when I have a moment.

Ahh. Very good to know. Thanks.

p.s. - Are you still trying to digest my suggestions regarding a 'manual mode' of PM?

If you're referring to this:

1) Default button behavior = auto-populate fields (keyboard equiv = ctrl~)
Alternate functionality from menu pop-up:
2) Choice1 = Enable 'Auto-populate' mode
3) Choice2 = Add Account for this URL
3) Choice3 = Open PM Account Settings Window

There should also be keyboard shortcut equivalents assignable for each of these behaviors.

from this thread then, no, I've digested it. It's a good idea and will definitely be in a future (soon) release.

Charles <- dancing a jig

Ok, I just donated again - but honestly, it would not offend me in the least if you set up an unobtrusive permanent link on your home page so that anyone can donate at any time.

PM just rocks, and you deserve to be rewarded for your efforts.

Offline Eric H. Jung

  • grimholtz
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'Folders' and 'Accounts' - correct usage
« Reply #18 on: July 26, 2005, 03:34:06 PM »
Ok, I just donated again
Thank you!  :)

Charles, can you please post this feature request (this one only) here? Please go easy on Tyrantmizar--i.e., don't write a novel for him to read!! :)

Thank you,

PasswordMaker Forums

'Folders' and 'Accounts' - correct usage
« Reply #18 on: July 26, 2005, 03:34:06 PM »