Here is another I just discovered, it may not be of any use to some or all, but; I find it very helpful.
If you do Custom PassWords like a new Group for each website that requires a UserName and PassWord combination then this may help a little. Also it may also cause you some problems if you also use Default for some of your passwords. The list of Groups is more than one screen full for myself, with them being in RandomAccessOrder it means I need to search for the one I need each time. No, I do not use, very many anyway, of the AutoPopulate UserName and PassWord. Still using my 'training wheels' so not fully able to complete those orders, yet. Anyway to move the Default from the list, just HyLite it and rite click mouse button and move it to one of the other Groups, VOLA!! your list is shortened by one entry of Groups, Default has been moved to that new location. You should select one of the entered Groups prior to moving Default so you will know where it is.
Not sure if any other can be done that way, but; Default will move.
Thank you for reading my PostieedToasties,