It's driving me nuts.
Short trip when you are all ready THERE!!!
Quote from MiquelFire = "Yappy?" End quote.
Yes, hope you have many messages for improvements to PWM as well as greetings from members of your well as yapping with friends and relatives. This is the time of year to reconnect with those that you have neglected in the last year, or more.
When you get to be my age, you think of those that you have not talked with in many months or years and need to say, "Hi! I am still here and you are still there, keep intouch. I think of you often with good thoughts and hope you are doing well. Love you and miss you." Some of them may not be there any longer and what was the last impression you left them with? Good? Bad? Indifferent?
Love you all there at PasswordMaker and think of you often, GOOD thoughts. Have been working with some of my other problems on my system as well as taking my Wife to Dr appointments.
I do Lurk here every now and then to see how thingys are progressing and collecting updates. Try not to post too much so you can maintain your work on improvements.
"I thought I knew that I knew what I thought,
but; now I know what I thought I knew isn't
what I know I think I thought I knew . . ."
Author UnKnown