Author Topic: Extra login on Select Account window . . .  (Read 5301 times)


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Extra login on Select Account window . . .
« on: September 25, 2006, 12:53:55 AM »
Greetings from LeonSprings, Texas USofA,

I went into my list of Groups/Accounts today and made some adjustments in what is saved, without affecting my passwords and what is not saved is removed. At one point it was taking so long to change from an 'Account Settings' page, so I could go on to the next, I hit the 'Escape' key and now all of my 'Groups' have been re-arranged, they are all there just in a different order. That is the first of what has happened.

Edited by LkonKbd > This extra NONexistant account has been there for Months if not a year.  Just never paid any attention to it `till now.

I have noticed there are three (3) 'Accounts' for PasswordMaker Forums, the only one with that many, yet only two (2) show in the "Group/Account" list, that is all there should be as well. The third one appears to be the 'Group' title/w 9 character password assigned, (yet there is one shown in the 'RDF' file).  It also has 'l33t' shown as (quote from the 'RDF' file & the outer quotation marks are mine) " whereLeetLB="both", leetLevelLB="3" " and many other entries that do NOT show from within 'PasswordMaker Advance Options'.

Is there any way of removing those entries that should not be there without disrupting the entire system?

I have copied the RDF to another folder and done an edit on it in an attempt to remove the unwanted data. Copy/Paste it back, after renaming the original to preserve my system, without any luck. Had to delete that file and rename my original so I could get back into here.

Have also gone in through the 'PasswordMaker Advance Options' and created a new 'Group'/'Account' for PWM and transfered all of my data.  The extra 'Account' still is shown in the 'Select Account' window.

I am sure there is a method it is just beyond me at this time.  I sent this as a PM to MiquelFire, Tanstaafl, & Eric  to keep HIM informed.  Got into trouble with HIM, HE miss-understood it was to keep HIM informed.  I still do not fully understand the use of these PMs and how to CC them, O'well! that is life, I guess.

Thank you for reading this mess,

Edit by LkonKbd > No matter how many times I read my posts there will always be adjustments needed, please beare with me.

Thank you for being patient,

Edited by LkonKbd > Just noticed the miss-spelling of NonExistant account in subject area and cannot get to it.  End Edit today 9/25/06 1027Hrs.

WOW, am I long winded or what?
« Last Edit: September 25, 2006, 03:20:48 PM by LkonKbd »

Offline tanstaafl

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Extra login on Select Account window . . .
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2006, 02:01:45 PM »
Quote from: LkonKbd
I went into my list of Groups/Accounts today and made some adjustments in what is saved, without affecting my passwords and what is not saved is removed.
Eh? I don't understand what you just said...

At one point it was taking so long to change from an 'Account Settings' page, so I could go on to the next, I hit the 'Escape' key and now all of my 'Groups' have been re-arranged, they are all there just in a different order. That is the first of what has happened.
The ability to re-arrange the order is not very convenient at the moment... hopefully Eric will be able to get this working better, but fyi, the way it works now is, if you try to drag-n-drop one, it simply gets moved down to the bottom of the list in the Group it is currently in. So, if you want them all in a specific order, just 'move' each one, in the order you want them to appear.

I have noticed there are three (3) 'Accounts' for PasswordMaker Forums, the only one with that many, yet only two (2) show in the "Group/Account" list, that is all there should be as well. The third one appears to be the 'Group' title/w 9 character password assigned, (yet there is one shown in the 'RDF' file).

It also has 'l33t' shown as (quote from the 'RDF' file & the outer quotation marks are mine) " whereLeetLB="both", leetLevelLB="3" " and many other entries that do NOT show from within 'PasswordMaker Advance Options'.

Is there any way of removing those entries that should not be there without disrupting the entire system?
I know you won't like this answer, but if I were you, if you are bound and determined to remove this account, I'd take the hour or two it will take (unless you have hundreds of accounts), print out your settings, backup your current RDF file (or just move it to a safe place), and just re-create everything from scratch. Otherwise, just change the URL entry so it never pops up in the 'Choose Account' dialog (change it to something random, that would never get matched).

If you are bound and determined to edit the RDF file by hand to try to fix it, the only way I would even ATTEMPT to help you is if you sent it to me directly, which, personally, I am not asking you to do nor would I ever do with my own. Other than that, unless someone who understands the file format intimately...

Sorry, wish I could be more help...


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Extra login on Select Account window . . .
« Reply #2 on: September 27, 2006, 08:35:24 PM »
Quote from: tanstaafl

Eh? I don't understand what you just said...

The ability to re-arrange the order is not very convenient at the moment... hopefully Eric will be able to get this working better, but fyi, the way it works now is, if you try to drag-n-drop one, it simply gets moved down to the bottom of the list in the Group it is currently in. So, if you want them all in a specific order, just 'move' each one, in the order you want them to appear.

I know you won't like this answer, but if I were you, if you are bound and determined to remove this account, I'd take the hour or two it will take (unless you have hundreds of accounts), print out your settings, backup your current RDF file (or just move it to a safe place), and just re-create everything from scratch. Otherwise, just change the URL entry so it never pops up in the 'Choose Account' dialog (change it to something random, that would never get matched).

If you are bound and determined to edit the RDF file by hand to try to fix it, the only way I would even ATTEMPT to help you is if you sent it to me directly, which, personally, I am not asking you to do nor would I ever do with my own. Other than that, unless someone who understands the file format intimately...

Sorry, wish I could be more help...


". . without affecting my passwords and what is not saved is removed."  Quote from my post. Now a quote from your post, "Eh?"  I do not fully understand what I was saying there except the above, there were many thingys I has saved on each 'Group' as well as each 'Account' that was not fruitful nor necessary.  It was causing some confussion for me so that data was removed, as long as it did not affect the creation of my PWs.  That had nothing to do with what had occurred.  Just what I was doing when reality 'ESCAPEd' me and I did a NO! NO!

I know this is not very easy for you to handle, also I am NOT asking Eric to get involved he is too busy.  Attempt to place yourself in my position, I also know that is not very easy either, but; that explanation was done as I was attempting to access the forum.  I also know the RDF file is not sometingy you can just go in and make changes and expect thingys to work as you like.  I am smart enough to know and recognize a very complex layout that should not be messed with by a BIG DUMMY, like me.

If I may Quote you?  "I know you won't like this answer . . ."  You are very rite about that except that is what I had expected, NOT a problem.  As for the re-arrangement of the 'Accounts,' that is also not really a problem either.  I can live with it the way it is, if it will not change on me any more.

"If you are bound and determined to edit . ." this one is also a very LARGE NO.  As far as I am concerned the subject is closed, will be dealt with when access and time will allow.

Thank you very much for this info and am sure others will be interested in learning this also.  Even though it is NOT what we would like to read nor hear.  As you can see it gets a little wordy and windy when I attempt to explain my problems.


PasswordMaker Forums

Extra login on Select Account window . . .
« Reply #2 on: September 27, 2006, 08:35:24 PM »