Greetings from LeonSprings, Texas USofA,
Any one or all that wish to make comment. What is the status of the possibility of changing the Master PassWord without going into a complete MELTDOWN when you have more than 5 Groups and maybe 1 to 3 accounts in each, very short list for me. @ this time with all Groups closed the list is a full screen with some having up to 5 accounts.
Hate the thought of wanting to change the MstrPssWrd, but; for proper security that should be done every six (6) months and I do believe there are some of us that have been using the same MstrPssWrd for over one (1) year.
I did a search for "Master Password Change" and found four (4) threads, first and latest one is located: dated 10/30/05
next one is: dated 10/26/05
next one is: dated 10/7/05
last one is: dated 10/6/05
So I know this is not a new topic but is very important maybe along with the ability to "Sort" the 'Groups' by clicking on the top bar "Name" along with the 'Accounts' being inserted automatically in Alpha/Numeric order. This would assist greatly with finding the ONE you need for a specific account and once in that account NOT having that selection window popping up any.
Would also like to THANK popmonkey, ajw and tanstaafl for their input, thingys I would never have ever thought of to making this change, I knew it would not be easy so they have some Great input.
Thank you for reading my post and sorry about the lengthy windy wordy message,