You can also look at the password in clear, and see whether it's a transmission problem or a generation problem.
One source of error is to have a misspelled master password. Then PasswordMaker generates the wrong passwords, without you noticing it. You wouldn't be able to log in anywhere. After restarting PasswordMaker with the correct password it'd be working again.
Do you keep your master password in memory or on disk? And do you input it once or twice?
Not in order:
1. Are you saying that a user can enter an incorrect master password and that PasswordMaker will go active? I thought that PM would reject an incorrect master password, although I've never tried to do that.
2. As a follow-up to (1.):
a. Until recently, I kept the master password on disk, and I believe (I do not actually know) that the previous incidents of passwords not working was with the password on disk. For security reasons, I've recently kept the master password only in memory, and it is possible that I had entered it incorrectly earlier today. Thus, if PM will "wake up" with an incorrect master password, that might explain what happened today; however, if the earlier episodes were with the master password on disk, that explanation is not correct.
And, as yet another facet of this, it was only a day or two ago that I changed from typing the master password twice to once; again, if typing it incorrectly once would allow PM to work, then that could be at least a partial explanation for today's problems.
I changed to single typing because, as I had posted previously, my master password is rather lengthy, making it a bother to type. I got the instructions on how to change the master, but that seemed even more effort than keeping and typing the long master password. So, it's back to typing the master twice.
3. I've never looked at the transmission of the passwords in the clear; I could do that, but as the failure rate has been so small, I don't know that I'd see anything.
4. While typing this, it occurred to me to return to my (2.): When I could not get one of the failed passwords to work this morning, I copied it into the clipboard, then pasted it into the password box at a site, which failed. If--once more--an incorrectly entered master password allowed PM to start responding, then it is apparent that the specific password I copied into the password box was incorrect.