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Dear All - I am a new user of this very elegant solution about passwords - Password Maker. I tried it on 3-4 websites and found it very helpful. However, I am confused whether "Password Maker" and "Password Maker X 2.0.3" by emersion is the same and equally safe to use. I tried both for one website and two different passwords were generated. While the "Password Maker X 2.0.3" by emersion was last updated on February 8, 2016, the "PasswordMaker" was last updated on August 20, 2010 (quite backdated).

Which one should I use and why?

Please give your valuable opinions.

Thanks and Merry Christmas to all,

Feature Requests / Enhancements / Re: Adjust "URL component" options
« Last post by Miquel 'Fire' Burns on December 16, 2016, 01:56:41 PM »
This is a security issue actually.

Let's say is the site you want to log into. Now, someone wants to steal login details and get the domain or

Using your suggestion, they can steal your password. I don't think there are enough valid sites to make this a worth while option actually.
Feature Requests / Enhancements / Adjust "URL component" options
« Last post by jasemo on December 16, 2016, 03:54:44 AM »
I'd like to suggest that PasswordMaker adds a "Domain extension" field to the Profile options list.

That way passwords could be generated using just the website name: "mywebsite" rather than "" without having to manually edit the URL field.

I currently use that for a number of sites due to web address changes as well as for non-online passwords. This feature would mean I could make them all passwords consistent and automatic.

It'd be great to hear if anyone else agrees or any other thoughts.

- Thanks.
Help and Support / Re: how to create Master Password compatible passwords?
« Last post by Miquel 'Fire' Burns on November 26, 2016, 11:49:30 PM »
TL;DR -- Different Templates, no way to be compatible

First off, that other app uses a key generator, which PasswordMaker doesn't have. The output of that key generator is what you would put in the master password here.

What is passes to HMAC-SHA-256 is DIFFERENT anyway. First, it starts with the appID that some mobile apps would use in the background which could be used here, then the length of the site, which I'm not sure if we can add.

Then it's the encoding step. At the start, this app had a simple binary to hex conversion, then switched to something else to allow more characters, but at heart, it's still a binary to whatever you would call the character set. NOTHING can be done about this.
Help and Support / how to create Master Password compatible passwords?
« Last post by wegra on November 26, 2016, 06:38:37 PM »
Greeting, is it possible to get it compatible with

As I started with that but could not get addons for Opera an Vivaldi for that.

I tried with same user name, same hashing algorithm (HMAC-SHA-256), same password lenght. But I can't get the same passwords. Different Templates?
Help and Support / Re: Miguel, hope you recognize my 'LkonKbd'
« Last post by Miquel 'Fire' Burns on November 22, 2016, 12:43:36 AM »
Other / Re: Activity CIRCLE never stops on tabs...
« Last post by LkonKbd on November 21, 2016, 04:16:42 PM »
Never received any reply on this but that activity 'circle' has gone away, like magic?  Thank you for the assistance...
Help and Support / Re: Cannot delete group or account
« Last post by LkonKbd on November 21, 2016, 04:13:32 PM »

The below is AOK if one is a programmer, when you are just a "LooseKnutOnKeyboard" how can we spot what need be removed? 


I have run into this myself, but thought it had something to do with the number of Groups/Accounts I have (a lot).

You can edit the passwordmaker.rdf file manually, but you have to be very careful with the syntax... probably best to make a copy before editing, especially if you have some important accounts defined.
Help and Support / Re: Miguel, hope you recognize my 'LkonKbd'
« Last post by LkonKbd on November 21, 2016, 04:07:19 PM »

If you find this NEW entry, would like to thank you for your replies.  Got me to thinking, that is dangerous, and remembered where it is stored.  Managed to get thingys working for me again.  It is tattooed to the inside of my left EyeLid, BAG! Wink!! 
Help and Support / Re: PWM will NOT read the RDF file
« Last post by LkonKbd on November 20, 2016, 02:48:50 PM »
Guess what?  Managed to get my original 'rdf' file back in operation AND did not use the 'Import' feature.  Just copy/paste.

Thanks anyway,
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