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Log-in page vs. Change password page


John Liebson:
Before I change an on-line banking password from one in Firefox to one generated by Password Maker, I want to be certain that I understand what is written in "Setting up a new PWM password:..." on this system. (I just started using PWM a few days ago, so am not yet exactly an "expert" with this extension.)

Wells Fargo uses www.wellsfargo.com as the URL where on signs on to one's accounts. However, I noted earlier today that, once one is logged on, the url changes to online.wellsfargo.com, and it is using that second url where one goes to the `change password' form.

Now, if I understand what the forum message I cited above is telling me to do, in order that I can log on using a Password Maker-generated password, is that, on the Account Specific page, I should enter in the:

1. "When URL contains" box the url www.wellsfargo.com  

2. and in the "Use this URL" box online.wellsfargo.com

I ask because, in fiddling with PWM, I note that when I change the "Use this URL" box entry, the password that PWM generates changes from what it is if I put www.wellsfargo.com there.

[Later: I went back to Wells Fargo, and found something that has added to my reluctance to do anything with PWM until someone who knows answers my query: When I was logged in to Wells Fargo, at online.wellsfargo.com, I brought up PWW, which said that is was "Using URL www.wellsfargo.com, NOT online.wellsfargo.com. So, now I'm really uncertain as to how to set up a new password using PWM for Wells Fargo: Which URL(s) do I use?]

Miquel 'Fire' Burns:
"When url contains" is just a match query. As long as the url contains the text entered there, the account will be used.

The "Use this URL" actually affects the password. This could be anything if you wanted it to be (Like put in "bankwebsite.com" for example).

The end result is that if you have a site that uses multiple domains that you would need the same password for, you would make an account for each of the domains, and set the "Use this URL" to be the same on all those accounts.

By default, PWM should use wellsfargo.com by default if you don't use an account.

Eric H. Jung:
Yeah, just use .wellsfargo.com for both "When URL Contains" and "Use This URL" and you'll be fine.

John Liebson:
Thanks to both; appreciate the assistance. (It even worked...).


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