Other Editions > Other Editions - Feature Requests / Enhancements

Internet Explorer Edition removed

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Eric H. Jung:

I've removed the IE edition as a download because it has too many bugs to be useful. Many people downloaded just that edition and thought it representative of the rest of PasswordMaker; it was giving us a bad name.

Hopefully, we'll find the time to commit to it so it's a usable package.


Note to developers: the package has actually been hidden on SourceForge, not removed.


--- Quote from: Eric H. Jung ---Hi,

I've removed the IE edition as a download because it has too many bugs to be useful. Many people downloaded just that edition and thought it representative of the rest of PasswordMaker; it was giving us a bad name.

Hopefully, we'll find the time to commit to it so it's a usable package.


Note to developers: the package has actually been hidden on SourceForge, not removed.

--- End quote ---

I see you have a feature request page for IE6 version of PWM.  Does that mean you are really working on an IE extension?  I have several people that use only IE and would like to know when that is done, if possible.

I have been a little busy with the Wife, illness, and working with Avira AntiVir having a problem with making Explorer and any other program started to, "This program has caused an illegal operation and will be shutdown."  Still have not found the solution to this problem but still working on it.

Eric H. Jung:
Hi LkonKbd, welcome back. No, I'm not really working on it actively. Lots of other, more requested features. Sorry

Well, I am planning a Windows edition, which would also be an IE extension, but due to a busy summer I haven't started coding on it yet. Also, because it will be written in C#, it's not based on the current IE extension, but will be a new design with the functionality of the firefox extension in mind.


--- Quote from: Eric H. Jung ---Hi LkonKbd, welcome back. No, I'm not really working on it actively. Lots of other, more requested features. Sorry

--- End quote ---


I know you are busy, you posted this info and just addressed it that way.  I see "Thibros" is planning such an animal.  Good luck  and thank you for the welcome.  Break-Time is over, get back to work.


Thank you for the reply, what you code it in is not important to me, I am not a programmer.  Just a very curious USER and work in Win98SE only.  #1. Retired Electronics Technician/w experience and some training with hydraulics, pneumatics, electrical and mechanical operations.  Computer control test stands of the rather large size using stepper motors to control pressure regulators plus all of the interface equipment including the wiring.  One TestStand would be large enough to hold a four car garage.

Enough of me, Break-Time is over, get back to work,


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