Author Topic: Separate 'URL Components' for 'When URL Contains' and 'Use This URL' fields  (Read 18147 times)

Offline tanstaafl

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Hi Eric,

I'd like to be able to define the parts of the URL that are used for each of these fields individually, so that when I create a new Account, by default, the 'When URL Contains' (or Equals, once that is working) always uses the Protocol+subdomain+domain, and the 'Use This URL' is just the domain.

How hard would this be?


Offline Eric H. Jung

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so that when I create a new Account, by default, the 'When URL Contains' (or Equals, once that is working) always uses the Protocol+subdomain+domain, and the 'Use This URL' is just the domain
Of what? The current URL?

« Last Edit: May 25, 2007, 04:27:21 PM by tanstaafl »

Offline tanstaafl

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Quote from: Eric H. Jung
Of what? The current URL?

Currently, when I create a new Account, both the 'When URL Contains' and 'Use This URL' are pre-populated with whatever I have set in the Defaults for the URL Components.

I'd like to have 'URL Components' for 'When URL Contains', and 'URL Components' for 'Use This URL'

This way, when I create a new account, I'd have:

When URL Contains:     Use This URL:

(By the way - I'd also like to see you add the trailing slash as a part of the 'domain' URL component - this prevents a site from tacking on something, like '

As it is now, I have to change this every time.

Not a really big deal, but the advantage to this is, I can make use of the full URL for Anti-Phishing purposes, but keep the 'Use This URL' short and sweet, and don't have to worry if the site makes a change to the Login URL - I just change the 'When URL Contains' side, and the 'Use This URL' stays the same, so my password stays the same, with less confusion.

It would just add a convenience factor, so if it is hard to do, we'll just relegate it to a 'someday, maybe' status...
« Last Edit: May 25, 2007, 04:28:07 PM by tanstaafl »

Offline Miquel 'Fire' Burns

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I was thinking about this myself. But never when I was on the forums... I need better memory
"I'm not drunk, just sleep deprived."

Offline Eric H. Jung

  • grimholtz
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OK, I understand now. Please add it to the FRL.

Offline quixin

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So what if I want:

When URL Contains: Use This URL:

I then have to go and change this myself...  It really makes no difference to me rather than it looks a little more uniform this way, as trivial as it may be.

Offline tanstaafl

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OK, I understand now. Please add it to the FRL.

So what if I want:

When URL Contains: Use This URL:

I then have to go and change this myself...  It really makes no difference to me rather than it looks a little more uniform this way, as trivial as it may be.
You could set the Defaults to whatever you want, then all of your new accounts would inherit this format. this is just a default setting for how new accounts are defined. Once an account is created, if you want to set these fields to something else for some reason, you'd have to do that manually.

The reason I want it the way I want it is, if you set it up the way you describe above, then the site changes the login page to something else causing you to have to change your 'When URL Contains' entry, then the two will now be different, and if you wanted to keep them uniform, you'd have to change your password. I prefer not to do that, so I just use the top level domain for calculating the password, and set the 'When URL Contains' to whatever it needs to be to work and prevent phishing attacks.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2007, 04:29:41 PM by tanstaafl »

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