Author Topic: Error 0x1f4  (Read 4628 times)

Offline eyequeue

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Error 0x1f4
« on: May 04, 2007, 09:45:02 PM »
First off, version 1.6.1

I searched using the Topic title before posting, no hits.  I'm at a loss where to look up an answer, so I'll start a new topic.  This can be read as "Where do I find the answer to" as well as "What is the answer to" ... meaning if there's some way to look up error numbers, maybe including that here will save future people asking over and over?  

Anyway, I was uploading using the Upload Now button [#insert footnote.1] and apparently "something" happened, triggering the display of "
Code: [Select]
Error 0x1f4" error window.

Not too descriptive, heh.  What info can I provide to help pin it down, if you need any?  Email me if it's anything best not in public.

Thanks in advance.

Here's footnote.1 from above  

In the Upload/Download tab, Alt-L works correctly to take me to that tab.
At that point, the Alt-N key "should" take me to the Upload Now button, but does not.

Is this because the Download Now button also has the Alt-N key and therefore it defaults to a no-op?  (I'm not sure I said that clearly.)

  Is it easier if I post in the bugs area for something like this "footnote," separately?  (For next time, I mean ... what do you mean there are no other bugs?   )
ElGamal:  2048g/85DBEFA8 CCCC 3282 19D4 118D 76AB  D089 B2A0 D2E4 ABEE 9309

Offline Miquel 'Fire' Burns

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Error 0x1f4
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2007, 02:56:46 AM »
What type of upload were you doing?

Something tells me that PasswordMaker needs better error handling in this area.
"I'm not drunk, just sleep deprived."

Offline Eric H. Jung

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Error 0x1f4
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2007, 03:11:19 AM »
Please post the format of the URL to which you're trying to upload. Is it FTP? HTTP(S)? Can you log into that URL with an FTP or webdav client?

As for the Alt-N key not working, that would be a Firefox bug. PasswordMaker merely tells Firefox which keys to use as shortcuts... PasswordMaker itself doesn't implement any of the shortcut key code.

Offline eyequeue

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Error 0x1f4
« Reply #3 on: May 08, 2007, 09:47:29 PM »
I am using webdav to upload an rdf file with a url format of

As for logging in with a webdav client, I poked around cadaver on the site, and everything seemed to behave properly.

A short while later, I started playing with the server configuration, and ended up solving the problem.  I'll include details here in case someone finds this in a search later.

Code: [Select]
$ grep -r DAVLockDB /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/
/etc/apache2/mods-enabled/dav_fs.conf:DAVLockDB /var/lock/apache2/DAVLock

Apparently there is a known bug where /var/lock/apache2 is not set to the user that the web server runs as, www-data.  Changing that, it then properly creates /var/lock/apache2/DAVLock, which previously did not exist:
Code: [Select]
$ file /var/lock/apache2/DAVLock
/var/lock/apache2/DAVLock: Berkeley DB (Hash, version 8, native byte-order)
$ ls -l /var/lock/apache2/DAVLock
-rwxr-xr-x 1 www-data www-data 12288 2007-05-08 19:51 /var/lock/apache2/DAVLock

Nothing seemed to change really at that point, but from this point forward, the operation completed without any error messages.  

Executive summary:
  • If you are getting Error 0x1f4 while performing Upload Now, the problem is likely a server error, so contact your server administrator.
  • If you happens to have access to configuring the server, check into ownership of the configured lock database's parent directory.
Not typically a user-level problem, I suppose.  Thanks for your time, and I hope this helps someone in the future.
ElGamal:  2048g/85DBEFA8 CCCC 3282 19D4 118D 76AB  D089 B2A0 D2E4 ABEE 9309

Offline Eric H. Jung

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Error 0x1f4
« Reply #4 on: May 13, 2007, 01:57:30 AM »
Thanks for the update. By the way, when I said "Can you log into that URL with an FTP or webdav client?" I probably should have said, "Can you upload a file to the server with a non-passwordmaker client?" Based on the description of the problem, I suspect that not just PasswordMaker would have experienced this problem, but all clients trying to do a write operation (not read).

PasswordMaker Forums

Error 0x1f4
« Reply #4 on: May 13, 2007, 01:57:30 AM »