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Sailfish OS App for PWM: I'm writing one and would now like to publish it...

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News on the Sailfish app:

Since I'm reasonably confident that the logic is now mostly correct, I've uploaded version 0.1.0 of the core logic of the app to crates.io, so other people can easily re-use it in their own Rust projects if they want to:

The first test version of the Sailfish app is now also basically done, and I'm aiming for an upload to openrepos and submission to the Sailfish Store QA at some point later this week.
(A friend kindly offered to contribute some visual assets for the app, and I'm currently waiting for them. Code-wise it's already finished and won't see any changes any more before release - unless bugs are discovered.)

I've finally uploaded version 0.1.0 to OpenRepos: https://openrepos.net/content/soulsource/passfish
The app is now also in cert by Jolla, and with a bit of luck it will soon hit the Jolla Harbour.

Sorry, I completely forgot to update here:
The Sailfish App has been released in the Sailfish OS App Store.
I did not find any way to link to it though, as it seems that the app store is only browsable with the respective Sailfish app...

Miquel 'Fire' Burns:
Added references to it on the Wiki.


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