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New mobile app


Hi all,

I noticed there seems to be a lack of actively-maintained PasswordMaker mobile apps with open code and more than a couple of users, when the one I have been using refused to install on my new Android phone.

I thought it would be a good exercise to figure out the latest Ionic + Angular (and have an app I can use again), so have started working on this: https://passwordmaker.webful.uk/

Just thought I'd shout here in case anybody else still has use for such a thing, or has access to the wiki and thinks it would be useful to list it.

More options for hashing algorithms and better regression tests will be coming in the next week or two. Please let me know if there are features you'd like to see prioritised.

Miquel 'Fire' Burns:
I'm sorry it took so long. I should have done this last month actually, that was the first time I had to do it actually...

Eric H. Jung:

Great job! I just tried the Android version. It definitely should be put onto the wiki if it's not already there. Miquel?

-Eric Jung, creator of the original PasswordMaker

Miquel 'Fire' Burns:
It's already on the list.

Eric H. Jung:
I think you only added his Android version. There's an iphone one, too. When I click iphone in the tree on the wiki, it goes to https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/passwordmaker-org-password/id359001896?mt=8 -- that should be a page instead listing the two iphone options (and maybe more)


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