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Cannot delete group or account


Hello, I am new to passwordmaker and I enjoy it very much.
I however have trouble to delete any account that I created to make tests. Nothing happens when I wish to delete one.
Same happen when I wish to delete any empty group.
Thanks for your help.


I have run into this myself, but thought it had something to do with the number of Groups/Accounts I have (a lot).

You can edit the passwordmaker.rdf file manually, but you have to be very careful with the syntax... probably best to make a copy before editing, especially if you have some important accounts defined.

I  have this problem too (using Mozilla add-on). Bug?

Greeetings from the Great Country of TEXAS,

Me TOO!  Long time no see nor visiting this site, well was a short time ago for a very short period.  Have been having this issue for some time just never paid much attention to the fact the DELETE does not work for any Accounts nor unused Groups.  Removed the data within and now have Blank lines where the accounts are supposed to be.  Can the same procedure be used?


The below is AOK if one is a programmer, when you are just a "LooseKnutOnKeyboard" how can we spot what need be removed? 

--- Quote from: tanstaafl on May 11, 2016, 06:45:06 PM ---Hello,

I have run into this myself, but thought it had something to do with the number of Groups/Accounts I have (a lot).

You can edit the passwordmaker.rdf file manually, but you have to be very careful with the syntax... probably best to make a copy before editing, especially if you have some important accounts defined.

--- End quote ---


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