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PWM UnInstall from IE v6.0?


To one & ALL,

Merry Xmas and have a Happy New Year, or Happy Holidays, in short.

Eric or anyone else that knows how to remove this Wonderful product from that terrible IE v6.0 browser?  I made the horrible misstake of downloading and installing PWM in IE, a long time ago, and now there is an access to PWM in IE except it will not work.  There are ERROR messages and telling me about scripts running and I would like to remove all of that.  I am a very devoted FF user, do not use IE for anythingy except maybe collect patches, security updates from µsoft when I find one that is needed.

Enough said, just advise me on how to remove PWM, so it will not HURT my PWM, I know it won't but I do want it out of there.

Eric H. Jung:

You can remove it from Control Panel->Add/Remove Programs. Look for the "PasswordMaker" entry and click remove.

I'm getting this problem as well after reinstalling after a recent system crash.  Is there something in one of the recent Windows patches that is causing the problem?  I have not upgraded to IE7; PWM ran fine on IE6 for a long time and is only recently getting these script errors.  Works fine in Firefox.


--- Quote from: Eric H. Jung --- Hi,

You can remove it from Control Panel->Add/Remove Programs. Look for the "PasswordMaker" entry and click remove.
--- End quote ---
Thank you, Oh wonderful WiseWONE!!  If it were not for you we would not be . . . neither would you.

Keep up this great work, Eirc.  I am removing it completely from IEv6, that browser is so slow and needs so many windows to open different pages or loose the first page and keep all in the same window, that sucks.  I am sticking to Mozilla Fire Fox.


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