Other Editions > Other Editions - Feature Requests / Enhancements

mobile edition which doesn't require internet access

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Is it possible for a mobile version which does not need to connect to a web server. I currently use the java edition on my mobile however it cannot save preferences and so I have to manualy input data for every field every time i use it.

Actually TBH if somoeone could tell me a way to change the default values on the java applet that would be good enough.

Miquel 'Fire' Burns:
Java edition?


Miquel 'Fire' Burns:
Oh, JavaScript edition.

A) If the browser you're using supports cookies, just change them.
B) If you know HTML, I think it shouldn't be too hard to change them around. Just a little hunting for that part of the code (provided you have a local copy to edit)

Eric H. Jung:
Obidose, post again if you need more help changing the edition to suit your needs.


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