Other Editions > Other Editions - Feature Requests / Enhancements



I just received an RSS tickle for phpPasswordManger, which is an online password manger (also hosted at sourceforge).  I think it would awesome if somehow the two could be combined.

Miquel 'Fire' Burns:
The PHP version here is released under LGPL, so if they wanted to, they could take it and use it for back-end purposes.

If I had the time to work on it (and not on other non-PasswordMaker related, as well as one PasswordMaker related projects I have right now) I would make a little thing in which just requires you to upload your RDF VIA the built in methods in the Firefox extension, and point the online version to it and boom, online access to your passwords!

Actually, I might break away for a little bit and work on that this weekend and see how it goes.

Eric H. Jung:
That looks pretty slick. Just make sure you use it over https, not http!


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