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CLI edition should have .tar.gz download option


Eric H. Jung:
I received the following email today about the CLI version. Miquel, what do you think?

--- Quote ---Name:    David Precious
Email:    davidp@xxxxxx
Location:    UK
Comments:    Hiya,
A suggestion I'd like to offer for the CLI version of PasswordMaker would be for the source to be tarred + gzipped (*.tar.gz) instead of zipped (*.zip), and to contain all files in a directory like passwordmaker-cli-1.3

That's more or less the standard way that packages are normally distributed for *nix/bsd etc, so could be good to follow the same conventions.  Currently, unzipping the ZIP file drops all the files in the same dir.

I'm trying to produce a package for the user repository of Arch Linux (http://www.archlinux.org/) to simplify installation of PasswordMaker for Arch users, I'm hitting trouble because of the package being a zip file containing no directory.

Many thanks
David P

--- End quote ---

Miquel 'Fire' Burns:
The tar.gz (and .tar.bz2 as well) thing, I can do with the next version (it's overdue I believe)

And for the directory thing, I thought I was already doing that for the source version? I know that I don't really do that with the Windows binary version.

Hi Eric / Miquel,

Sorry for the delay replying to this.

--- Quote from: miquelfire ---The tar.gz (and .tar.bz2 as well) thing, I can do with the next version (it's overdue I believe)

--- End quote ---


--- Quote from: miquelfire ---And for the directory thing, I thought I was already doing that for the source version? I know that I don't really do that with the Windows binary version.

--- End quote ---

Didn't seem to be, at least for me.  Unzipping passwordmaker-cli-1.3-src.zip dumped all the files + directories into the current directory, as opposed to creating one new directory containing everything.


David P

Miquel 'Fire' Burns:
And 1.4 is release with the changes you requested!


--- Quote from: miquelfire ---And 1.4 is release with the changes you requested!

--- End quote ---

Ah nice one!

I'll have another go at making a package for Arch tonight or tomorrow night, I'll let you know how I get on.

Cheers guys!

Dave P


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